One Big Joke

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When Kaito and Kokichi arrived at the courtyard, they were surprised to see Gonta, Ryoma, and Himiko huddled around Tenko on the back lawn.

She was showing them some Neo-Akido moves.

Stepping forward, she grabbed an imaginary opponent, and then hefted them over her shoulder and onto the ground in one fell swoop.

Himiko leapt up and tried to copy her, but only succeeded in tripping over herself and slamming head first into the grass.

Kokichi ran towards them, laughing brazenly.

Kaito went as well, wincing heavily.

Himiko sat up and glared stormily at Kokichi.

Kaito paused. He still wasn't used to her new-found expressiveness.

Tenko helped her to her feet and then glared at Kokichi as well.

He laughed again and smirked at them.

Himiko sighed and quietly thanked to Tenko.

Tenko blushed deeply and reeled backwards, trying to compose herself.

Himiko didn't mock her and just smiled at her softly. A far cry from her old behaviour.

She's really trying hard. Kaito reflected.

Ryoma rolled his eyes and stepped forward.

"Did you two find anything useful?"

"Not really. We discovered Shinguji's lab, a strange computer room that Iruma is interested in, a few ramshackle rooms with holes in the floor, and a storage room that belongs to Monokuma- it's filled with tons of miscellaneous boxes filled with weird shit." Kaito said, omitting the more dangerous object they had found.

"By "weird shit", Momota-chan means murder weapons." Kokichi revealed bluntly, giggling loudly.

Gonta winced. Himiko and Tenko exchanged worried looks. Ryoma just shrugged.

Kaito glared lightly at his companion.

Kokichi glowered back at him, daring him to say something.

Why did he do that? Shouldn't we have kept the information from them? In case one of them is planning a murder...Kaito trailed off inwardly, immediately feeling guilty for suspecting his classmates.

No. As much as he hated it, he had to be slightly wary of them.

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