Chapter Twelve

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        A couple of minutes had passed since Elena admitted to Chris how she truly felt about him, silence still filled the room as Chris gazed down at her with shock. Elena, who too was staring at him chewed down on her bottom lip with both anticipation and anxiety but she soon lowered her head down to the ground as her eyes searched for answers on the floor. “Well, I guess I was right,” Elena said breaking the silence with her eyes still locked on the floor before she raised her hair quickly, flicking back her long brown locks and her chocolate brown eyes gazed back up at him, “Tellin’ you how I really felt about you has changed everythin’.” She stepped towards him slightly, rising up on her tiptoes to be up to his height, “And you said,” she whispered cynically, “That nothin’ will change, that everythin’ will be the same.” She bit down on her lower lip cynically and shook her head as she placed both of her feet down flatly on the ground, she took a step back as her right hand reached down to his fingers, pealing them from around her wrist she stepped back with her eyes never leaving his, he too carried on staring at her unable to speak, unable to move with the shock. “I was so stupid,” she laughed cynically, “Why wouldn’t it change anythin’? Of course it’s gonna change everythin’ ‘cause now you’re not able to say anythin’ ‘cause I know exactly what you’re thinkin’.” 

“What am I thinkin’?” He asked her finally breaking his silence, blinking a few times as he slowly snapped out of the moment of shock. 

“Oh my god,” she responded sarcastically, “He speaks!” 

“What am I thinkin’?” He repeated. 

“Okay,” he replied cynically, “You’re thinkin’ that I’m a total idiot for ruinin’ such an amazin’ friendship ‘cause I couldn’t keep my big mouth shut about the way I feel about you.” His eyes became darker as his eyebrows frowned with confusion as he carried on staring at her. “You’re thinkin’ that you’re wishin’ that I’d never opened my mouth, you’re thinkin’ that you wished that you never said what you said before ‘cause you wouldn’t have to experience this awkwardness, you wouldn’t have to experience this situation ‘cause nothin’ would be different, everythin’ would be the same, we would be best friends and we wouldn’t be standin’ in silence with me hopin’ and prayin’ that you would respond and tell me that you feel the same way, but of course you’re not gonna say that, I mean, why would you say that?” Emotion started to build up inside of her, sadness, frustration and anger with herself. “I mean, look at me, why would anybody want to be with me?” 

“Oh my god,” he laughed, “Did you just seriously ask that question?” 

“Of course I did,” she replied angrily, “’Cause it’s the truth, why on earth would anybody want to be with me?” 

“Oh I don’t know,” he responded bluntly, “Maybe ‘cause you’re hot.” 

“I’m not hot,” she laughed cynically. 

“You’re not serious?” He laughed shortly, “Oh my god, Elena, you are absolutely beautiful.” Elena looked at him with sad eyes as he took a few steps towards her, “God, Elena, that first night that I saw you in the bar I couldn’t believe my eyes. When I moved to this town I never expected to see somebody who looked like you. When I moved here I thought that there wouldn’t be a beautiful woman for miles ‘cause the town was so small, I thought that it would be a bunch of people no younger than thirty livin’ here with their kids, havin’ private businesses and enjoyin’ life. But when I was singin’ that night and I noticed you sittin’ there in the bar I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe that I was seein’ this absolutely gorgeous woman sittin’ there, such an amazingly beautiful woman from such a small town. Like I said I didn’t think that I would see somebody like you for miles and that’s why I moved here so that I could get away from women, so that I didn’t have to get hurt like I did back home.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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