Stupid Pretty Cunt!

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The sound of my heels clicking on the marbled floor of the YG company was heard in the rather silent entrance. Making my way to the receptionist desk was gonna be the easiest part of my day.

"Hello, name please." He said looking me up and down.

"Right, Um Kim Y/n," I said giving him a respectful smile.

"Oh right ok here's your pass it's floor three, room six. The doors are numbered, sweetheart." He said winking at me.

"Ah right thanks," I said walking to the elevator slightly uncomfortable as I could feel the mans gaze on me.

Clicking the button. I watched as the doors shut. Relived that I was no longer in that man's sight I let out a sigh. Some people just have the nerve.

The corridors leading to the room were made of glass accompanied by accents of white. The inside of the building was almost out of a movie. Extremely modern and minimalist. Classy one could say.

Reaching the door of the conference room I knocked twice, a loud "come in" was yelled through the other side.

As I entered through the door I could feel multiple eyes on myself. Holding my head high, shoulders back I walked into the room fully confident.

I took the only free seat after bowing to the multiple people in the room. With an unheard sigh I glanced over all the people in the room, multiple women and men. All siting up as straight as possible, most likely because of the presence of their boss.

"Hello, miss kim I presume." I nodded at the older man speaking.

"I'm Park Teddy. Call me Teddy." The man said.

"Hello Teddy. I'm happy to be here." I said looking into the Teddys eyes.

"Likewise. Unfortunately the artist isn't here yet. He'll be coming in about an hour or so." Teddy said gesturing to a woman who handed me a folder.

"Ah that's fine." I said opening the folder.

"In that folder is all the information you need to know about the artist and his music. It also gives a brief description of what kind of come back he's having." Teddy said going over the important things.

"If this goes well we may be working with you again. We have high hopes for you." He explained.

"Thank you sir." I said out loud glancing over the information.

"If you may direct your attention to the others in the room. They are the artists staff and managers. I want you to all get to know one another because you may be working very closely." Teddy said now walking towards the girl in the corner taking notes.

"This is lee Mina. She's gonna be you're personal assistant from today on appointed by the company. If you need her give her a call, both hers and the artists numbers are at the bottom of the folder you received. If their are any problems you can let me know I'll be here most of the time." He smiled at me softly.

"Of course sir." I said returning the smile.

"Ok well I'd say we need to do introductions." Teddy said clapping.

"Of course sir." One of the women said out loud.


Introductions took a lot longer than I thought they would. By the time I was well acquainted with every one it was almost time for the artist to show.

"Alright he's on the first floor so I ask that you all go back to your regular schedules." Teddy said motioning to the door.

"Goodbye everyone." I said waving at the staff members.

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