A New Soulmate?

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Another day, another few thousand dollars.

My hands fumbled within the soft fabric of a soon-to-be shirt as I sat in my temporary fashion room. Placing the sheer black fabric underneath the needle used to stitch up the sides of a new masterpiece.

No, not for Loren. Earlier this morning at the ass crack of dawn my phone rang, disturbing my very peaceful dream of taking over the world through logic. And to my surprise it was one of my close friends, and flings Taehyung of BTS. He had requested, even slightly begged for me to make a form fitting shirt for him. Of course, me not being a morning person. I hung up, only to be awakened again this time by my over flowing text's from said man. And with much begging, bargaining, and talking. I agreed to take his offer.

As I finished the last seams of the shirt, I admired my work. Neatly folding the shirt, I placed it into a cherry red box and tied a black satin ribbon into a bow.

I pulled my bag to my arm as I gathered all of my necessities, basically my phone and wallet. The red box in the other arm as I closed and locked the studio door. Glancing down the hall I took notice to the fact that no one was here and no one would be anytime soon. So I pranced my happy ass down to the first floor and to the parking garage. Sending a text to Taehyung that I would be at his company soon. To which he replied with a simple 'Thank you(╹◡╹).'

"Tae come get me, your security be starring mad hard." I said through the phone speaker.

"Oh your here? Ok I'm coming." Was the reply I got in turn leaving me awkwardly glancing around the room to distract myself from the on-going, silence.

"Hey bro, what's up." I said walking to the guard. "Dap me up." I said lifting my hand, he glanced at my hand then back to my face almost four times before lifting his hand to bap me up.

"My favorite designer, what a pleasant surprise!" Bang Pd exclaimed walking into the lobby via elevator.

"Bang PD, it's nice to see you again. One of your artists requested a new shirt this morning I'm here to drop it off." I said greeting the well respected man with a bow.

"Ah I see, Taehyung again. That boy really does love your design line." He said chuckling.

"Alright we'll I'm off, tell the boys I said they are doing a good job." He continued before bowing and walking off.

'What a small and squishy old man.' I thought as I watched him climb into a waiting car.

"Darling~" a low voice sang next to my ear.

"Mister Kim, you really shouldn't sneak up on a girl like that, it's dangerous." I said spinning on my feet to look at the flawless man.

As our eyes met time stopped, nothing was more important in that moment. Electricity flowing between the two of us, a spark that was not to be put out anytime soon. One that seemed unbroken by either of us. Less euphoric then meeting Loren but more caring than him as well.

A second soulmate? But it's not even slightly possible.

Had he noticed it too? Yes. The direct eye contact was one thing but what gave it way was the shocked look on his face.

We've already met why is it only being triggered now? Was it because of Loren? How did a new bond form?

"We'll talk about it later." I said smiling at him.

My words snapping him out of his trance, he continued to speak.

"My apologies princess, I'll keep that in mind for next time." He smirked,

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