1: wanking is good for the soul.

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Water dripped down the defined muscles of the built body, touching every part of the tanned torso. A hand pumped roughly, low moans escaping quietly and soft breaths leaving the crimson lips. Teeth roughly bit down to suppress the pleasurable sounds, but it was no good.

"Fuck," A low grunt left him, legs trembled and the other hand began to slip against the beige tiles of the bathroom walls. He began to move faster and faster, until his name was called out.

"Jeongguk?! What the hell are you doing in there?!" Jeongguk's head perked up at the voice, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Slowly, he removed his hands from himself and turned on cold water.

"Taehyung?" He questioned waiting for a response, the only response he received was the sound of something or someone falling and a series of curse words. He sighed knowing exactly who it was, not only by voice but the clumsiness too.

Taehyung sat on the ground in an awkward position and stared at the pair of shorts that he had caught his foot in and slipped on. What the fuck is this mess? His doll eyes scanned the piles of clothes everywhere, oblivious to the door that creaked open to let a wet Jeongguk walk through.

"Why is it everytime I come around there's a mess? Like did your mum never beat you and tell you to clean your room when there was a guest coming over?" Taehyung glared at his best friend who just rolled his eyes and picked up a used shirt.

"You're not a guest," He first put on some boxers not caring Taehyung could see, he smirked when he heard Taehyung gasp and shuffle on the floor to turn away, "Anyways, how the fuck did you get in?" Jeongguk turned around and began searching for some shorts.

"You didn't lock your doors again," Taehyung began to collect the clothes, he brushed his hair back and glanced at the boy who laid on his bed with his phone almost kissing his face, "You're lucky it was just me or else someone else could've walked in and heard you moaning, weirdo," He tutted dropping the outfits into a laundry basket.

"Wanking is good for the soul," Jeongguk yawned and watched Taehyung organise the clutter on his small desk.

"Don't ever say that again, thanks," Although he had his back turned, he could tell there was a look of disgust on his defined face which made him snicker a little. A smile formed on Taehyung's pretty face when he noticed the picture frame of them as kids.

"Anyways, have you got that invitation for the party?" Jeongguk asked and smiled when Taehyung nodded, "You going?" He eagerly sat up.

"Yeah as long as you're going," A sweeter smile was returned, it made Jeongguk feel like nothing was wrong in the world when he saw it. That was one of the reasons why he liked having Taehyung as a friend, whenever something went wrong the boy would always be there for him and give that smile that was like a plaster for his wounds.

Jeongguk's expression fell when Taehyung began walking towards his door, "Where are you going?"

"Back to my room, my dorm's across the campus so I need to leave before it gets busy and I'm bumping into people," Taehyung answered with a confused face.

"Just stay over, it's been awhile since you have anyway," Jeongguk grinned patting his bed, Taehyung sighed and locked the dorm door before making his way over to the bed.

"Gross! Your hairs wet," Taehyung whined and picked up the white towel he had thrown on the floor, "Lemme dry it for you," He threw it onto his face making both of the laugh.

Jeongguk comfortably leaned against the bed frame and titled his head towards Taehyung who sat beside him. The brunette giggled watching Jeongguk make funny faces as his head was violently shook around.

Eventually, they calmed down and it became peaceful between them. Taehyung softly smiled as he rubbed the towel against the black luscious hair, Jeongguk was becoming drowsy at the feeling and his eyes were barely staying open.

"This is so gay," Jeongguk mumbled with a bitter emphasis to the word 'gay.' It made Taehyung pause his actions and let out a nervous chuckle.

"How's it gay? I'm just drying your hair?" Taehyung tried his best to not sound offended, but Jeongguk could tell by the slight anger in his voice. The black haired boy opened his mouth to speak, but Taehyung was first, "Actually, you know what I should go back to my dorm," He hurriedly sat up and didn't let Jeongguk see his distressed face.

"Wait what?! Why- hey wait!" Jeongguk called out cluelessly. Taehyung briefly paused at the door and gave a mere glance back at Jeongguk.

"I'll see you tomorrow,"

First chaps always gotta be short n for what 🙄🙄🤨

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