epilogue; panic.

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Jeongguk yawned tiredly as they entered the same motel again. They were gonna stay there for three days before moving in to their new home.

Taehyung was ecstatic, face constantly holding a wide smile even when Jeongguk was kissing him due the memories making him horny. Eventually the two ended up going to the market place again to try and tire Taehyung out.

"Can we buy this? Look how cute they are," Taehyung pointed at the bracelets that were handmade by the stall owner. Jeongguk of course just bought whatever he asked without even saying anything.

"Tae, we've been out for three hours now and it's getting dark are you not tired?" Jeongguk was basically limping from all the walking he had been doing. Thankfully, Taehyung was also doing the same and yawning.

"Where did you park the car? I don't want to walk anymore," Taehyung leaned against Jeongguk who shook his head, "Hey!" He squeaked when Jeongguk suddenly picked him up.

"It's another 10 minutes away, so just hold on tight," He grunted hoisting the boy up firmly, he looked down at the pretty younger who stared up at him with doe eyes.

Jeongguk smiled and ducked his head to kiss him, which one he did Taehyung covered his face with his chest.


Soft moans escaped Taehyung's lips, hair being detangled as Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair and thrusted slowly into him. A final whiny moan left him before they dropped into the bed, Jeongguk finishing inside of him twice.

"I thought you were tired?" Jeongguk breathed down Taehyung's neck, pulling him into a tight hug from the side.

"I am," Taehyung's eyes barely stayed up, he slowly turned so that he could snuggle into the warmth of Jeongguk's body. His face rubbed against Jeongguk's chest and his lips left a gentle kiss on his skin.

"I love you," Jeongguk pecked Taehyung's forehead not realising he had said I love you for the first time since forever. It was when he felt something wet against his chest and laughter coming from Taehyung it hit him.

"I love you too," Taehyung looked up with tears down his face yet a pretty smile on display for Jeongguk.

Jeongguk felt his heart pound against his chest an even bigger smile spread across his face. He pulled the boy into a chaste kiss, no intention of sex or anything just a pure loving kiss full of raw emotion.

They decided it was the best kiss ever. It wasn't anywhere special like a date; just in each other's arms at the end of a book, but the beginning for a new one instead. They wished the kiss would last long, but just like everyone else emotions got before their breaths did.

Jeongguk couldn't help but tear up himself a little, his smile began to drop into the kiss and he pulled away to hold Taehyung.

"Tae, I'm so sorry," He sniffled, placing more kisses against the confused boys head.

"Why?" Taehyung frowned.

"I'm sorry for how I was such I cunt before, I don't know how I got so lucky to have you after everything," Jeongguk caressed the boys hair who sighed softly.

"You were my best friend Jeongguk, no matter how bad you were I still saw good in you because minus all the homophobia you treated me well most of the time," Taehyung trailed his finger down Jeongguk's body, "You made sure I ate, slept, got to class and helped me sleep when I couldn't, you already felt like a boyfriend sometimes but I just didn't deep it,"

Jeongguk sadly smiled, "I know, I felt like you were mine too but I denied it and found it disgusting back then. I wish I hadn't thought that and maybe we could've already been together," he hiccuped.

Taehyung frowned at his cries and held him tight, "Jeongguk stop crying, you've changed now and we're together! I forget you were even like that from how sweet you are now," he sat up a little and looked down at Jeongguk who smiled.

"Are you sure you forgive me?" He asked a final time.

"Definitely, and I always will no matter what you do," Taehyung wiped them boys tears who pulled him down again.

"Sleep now, it was a long day," Jeongguk whispered softly.

Taehyung did, with a smile on his face and body held safely in his arms. For the first time months, a genuine wave of happiness travelled through his body and he felt loved.

Jeongguk fell asleep too, lips pressed against Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung was a little upset that it felt like things were ending, it felt like life was so good that this was the end of it. The fullest anyone could live is how he felt like.

But it wasn't the end, it was only the end of a beginning. He had a whole new chapter to start with Jeongguk now in a new home away from a place he dreaded. He knew there was so much more to come.

So much more.


Taehyung slowly reaches for the phone behind confused as to who was texting. But he saw, dread filled him like pins and needles.

His body froze with fear and tingles invade his senses. The shock and fear hurts, hurts so bad he feels his breath stagger in his tight chest and that's what hurts him more.

The phone slips out of his hands and instead grips onto his chest, I pained cry leaving him and loud heavy breaths following after.

"Tae?" Jeongguk stirred awake and immediately sat up to see Taehyung struggling to breath and his fingers digging painfully into his skin, "Hey shit, stop that," he pulled the boys hands away and picked up his phone to turn the flash on.

Taehyung sobbed gasping for air painfully and squeezing his eyes shut tightly.

"Tae, breathe through your nose you're having a panic at-" Jeongguk stopped when the boy's breathing got worst freaking him out instantly, "Shit," he cursed under his breath and debated what to do.

He wanted to pull Taehyung into a hug, but he had always been told to give someone having a panic attack space. He could ask, but Taehyung wasn't in the place to talk.

After twenty minutes of waiting, Jeongguk began to freak out even more. Taehyung sounded like a puppy in pain, eyes struggling to stay open. That's when he decided to bring the boy into his lap, caressing his legs gently.

"Taehyung, do you want me to call an ambulance?" Jeongguk looked down at the boy who stared up at with nothing but fear in his eyes.

Jeongguk sat up and began to pick up clothes from the floor, eyes constantly checking on Taehyung who swayed in the spot. Fear also filled Jeongguk, he stumbled over his feet whilst getting dressed and made his way over with some boxers for Taehyung.

"I'm gonna take you to A&E," Jeongguk sat down in the bed with shaking hands, scrambling to put on some boxers on the boy but failing, "Fuck!" He groaned when he kept messing it up.

Taehyung reached out for his hand, replacing the boxers with his phone instead. Jeongguk looked up at confused and then looked down at what the panicked boy was having an attack over.

hey my love
It's your minhyuk, so don't panic.

The end.

Cliffhanger 🤔

Thank you so much to all the people who stuck this far and read it, I appreciate your comments and love you from the bottom of my heart you guys were genuinely a family to me 😭

for book 2 I will publish it once more people demand it, only 2 ppl asked before 😭 follow me if you want the notification for when it's out first 😉

I'll miss u guys!

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