22; planning.

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Taehyung stirred awake to the feeling of strong arms around his waist. It was Jeongguk, and it felt foreign, yet he wanted more of it. His mind went back to when they first met to last night and he began to wonder how it all happened.

Why did it all happen? He pondered and stared out the window tiredly, he would have gone back to sleep but the sudden thoughts forced him awake. Taehyung glanced at the small bedside clock and saw it was 6 am and everyone was still asleep and wouldn't wake up soon.

"Gguk?" He called out for the boy who hummed against his ear creating butterflies in Taehyung's stomach, "Do you really like me?" He asked again.

Jeongguk wondered what still made the boy feel otherwise and placed a kiss on his neck to remind him he literally made out with him, "Of course I do," he rasped out tiredly.

Taehyung decided to test him, "Would you still like me if I was uglier?" He asked.

"Yeah," Jeongguk yawned, Taehyung hummed thinking of new questions.

"Would you still like me if I was a worm?" He asked a grinned wondering what the boy would say.

"Mhm," Jeongguk let his eyes flutter close and began to fight off sleep.

"Would you like me if I was Boris Johnson?" He mentally laughed knowing Jeongguk wouldn't know how to answer it.

"I'd like Boris Johnson if he was you," Jeongguk mentally cheered at himself for thinking of such a good answer, and cheered harder when Taehyung didn't ask him another question.

"Would you still like-"

"If I didn't, would I have kissed you last night and have you in my arms like this?" Jeongguk asked instead, waiting for a response whilst Taehyung had grown silent, "Do I need to do it again?" He sat up and Taehyung panicked.

"W-wait what?!" He snapped his head up to Jeongguk who smashed their lips together suddenly, locking Taehyung's words inside.

He pulled away with a smile, "Now do you believe me?" He asked still hovering over the shocked boy that was glowing red.

"Yes," He gulped staring into Jeongguk's eyes.

The door suddenly opened causing Jeongguk to immediately jump off and pretend to sleep. Taehyung shut his eyes too and forced himself into a weird position to look more natural.

"Oh? I swear they were awake?" Mrs. Kim whispered to her husband who sighed tiredly.

"Honey, Taehyung never wakes up. Let's get back to sleep," He pulled the woman away and shut the door behind him, making sure it closed properly.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief and Jeongguk grinned going back to his original position.

"What the hell are you doing?" He placed his hands on Jeongguk's bare chest to stop him from crushing him.

"Well, now that you're my boyfriend I can finally treat you like one," Jeongguk connected their lips again and let Taehyung smile into the kiss, both of them blushing at the title 'boyfriend'.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck, feeling his heart swell from the amount of attention and love he was getting. Jeongguk chuckled against his chest, whispering a sweet phrase into his ear however he was too lost in how magical he felt currently.

Maybe I do really like him. Taehyung's eyes followed Jeongguk's face, doe and glistening with the reflection of his boyfriend showing.

"Do you wanna go on a date soon?" Jeongguk shyly asked and smiled when Taehyung did his cute nod, "Where to?" He asked softly.

"I don't know," Taehyung whispered trying to think of something other than Jeongguk's lips, "Somewhere fun and where we'd like it, I don't wanna go anywhere too fancy and shit, even if you take me to some park or something I'd be fine with it," He smiled caressing Jeongguk's hair.

"We should..." Jeongguk carefully thought, "Go somewhere with ice cream, a place far away where we can stay up all night doing things we always wanted to do and then sleep like this when we get back," He pecked the boys nose, waiting for some comment.

"Okay yeah, when?" Taehyung hoped it was super soon, the idea of being with Jeongguk all night awake sounded like a dream he'd like to always live.

"Tomorrow, today everyone's planning to just sleep all day," Jeongguk dropped his head into the crook of his neck and tiredly yawned, "Let's sleep," he suggested.

"But I'm not tired," Taehyung whined and turned his head towards his direction, "Can't we do something?" He huffed waiting for a response.

Jeongguk however just began snoring, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's torso and sliding one underneath him.

Taehyung sighed and gave up, deciding to go back to sleep too.

I hope this lasts forever.

me finally wanting to write smut but realising it's too soon

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