29; rise of suspicions.

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Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jeongguk who sighed for the tenth time as he stood in front of the door, face attempting to form annoyance but his boyfriend wasn't helping.

"Now what?" Jeongguk asked fed up, as Taehyung had stopped him from leaving the dorm room for the seventh time already.

Taehyung thought carefully as he buried his face into Jeongguk's shoulder, "I feel sick, you can't leave me what if I die? You have to take care of me like you promised before you slept," he frantically came up with excuses, none of them being good enough.

"Tae, I cleaned you and bathed you like I promised and even put you back in bed, but you've managed to jump out perfectly fine," Jeongguk pulled away from the boy and crossed his arms, holding back a smile when he saw the frustration on Taehyung's face build up.

"Okay well- ow my back! Help me I'm gonna die my back is broken," Taehyung fake cried holding onto his back, he quieted down for a brief second to see if Jeongguk was reacting or cared.

"I'm literally just see what Jay wants to show me so bad, it'll take me like 10 minutes max! Now move tae, he's right outside waiting for me," Jeongguk gently moved the boy aside, hesitating when he saw a frown forming. Taehyung hated not getting his way, "Why don't you come down with me?" He suggested.

"Okay, but I'm standing there it's gonna be awkward, I'll just stay with Jimin because he lingers down there," Taehyung eventually agreed and smiled as if he hadn't thrown the biggest fit just to leave with him too.

Jeongguk looked at him in disbelief as he stepped out the dorm room and dragged him by his hand, but he had no complaints. Well he did have one, and that was Taehyung not facing him or being next to him as they walked.

"Finally what the hell took you so long?!" Jay yelled from down the stairs and rolled his eyes. His gaze set upon the matching marks the two boys carried shamelessly, "Of course, that's why," he scoffed when Jeongguk caught up with him.

"What did you wanna show me," Jeongguk let go of Taehyung's hand who immediately spotted Jimin and began making his way to him too.

"I got a tattoo on my back," He turned around and glanced back at Jeongguk, "Take a look-"

"Man what the hell? You could've sent me a picture," Jeongguk tutted as he lifted the top slightly to see an impressive spinal tattoo.

"Well no, it would've looked like I was trying to take ass pics," He stupidly answered whilst staring at Taehyung who was laughing with Jimin and vigorously shaking his head.

"You can't tell anyone," Taehyung sternly glared at Jimin who hummed as he thought carefully.

"I wouldn't, but with both of you covered in Hickies will say enough," Jimin patted Taehyung's shoulder who whined and rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Let me borrow a turtleneck, I-"

"Do you have no shame?" The devils voice caught his attention on his left side. There was Ivan, pushing his glasses up by his middle finger and staring at his messy short blonde hair in a windows reflection.

"Do you hang out anywhere aside from down here?" Jimin spoke for Taehyung who gently nudged him.

"I'm gonna have to now that people like him are here too," Ivan glared at Taehyung who spared no glance at him. Only Jimin who grew angrier by the second.

"My fist will send you to a new place to hangout," Jimin cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders.

"Min, stop," Taehyung quietly spoke and finally looked at Ivan who also seemed ready to start, "If you two wanna fight do it somewhere else the receptionist is till here," he didn't want them to fight at all, but he knew they wouldn't stop if he asked.

"Fine, you both better be fucking ready for when I next see you," Ivan stepped closer to Jimin who didn't back down or bat an eye, "Especially you, little gay boy," he moved to Taehyung who stepped back and clenched his fists beside his thighs.

Jay squinted his eyes whilst Jeongguk was helping him take pictures of his tattoo, "Hey, I think Ivan's trying to fight your boyfriend- Taehyung," he quickly corrected himself and nervously laughed when a few students turned around.

Jeongguk didn't care though, instead he shot his head up to Taehyung where he saw the blonde roughly slam his shoulder into Taehyung's.

"What the fuck? Hold this," Jeongguk shoved Jay's phone against his chest and rolled his sleeve up, walking towards Ivan who was also walking towards him.

"This isn't a kdrama you idiot! You'll get grounded by the receptionist if you fight him here," Jay whispered loud enough for Jeongguk to stop in his tracks and grit his teeth.

His eyes were dark and fierce, piercing through Ivan who walked past with a similar face. But, his eyes didn't see the glare Jeongguk had for him, instead he stared at the similar marks on his neck to Taehyung's.

Could it be..?

Idk when to end this book cus I realised I haven't even wrote that much angst

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