5; jealousy.

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Taehyung nervously bit on to his nails, he stared at his outfit with an unsure look. Of course there was nothing wrong with it. It was just weird wearing something new, everyone would definitely comment on his style change. Especially Jeongguk.

Fuck it, he's not my dad or something. He stood up finally with some weak confidence, his eyes stripped away from the body mirror and he pulled himself away too. Everyone dresses like this, I've seen it. He continued to reassure himself, which was true he knew many guys who dressed like they're straight from Pinterest and weren't bullied for it.

What do I do if he gets aggressive about it? Do I not sit with him again? Taehyung didn't realise that people were staring at him with heart eyes due to being lost in his thoughts. It was a sight hard to resist, he wore a simple outfit; a black turtleneck with a beige jacket over it and some right ripped jeans. It was basic and simple, but his figure made it look trendy.

I shouldn't be freaking out over it, it's just some clothes. Finally, he arrived at his university. He still had trouble getting to class even though it had been half a year since he was attending it, the university was just so big he never remembered the right way around.

That's why Jeongguk walked with him every morning, to his class and back. But, there was no Jeongguk with him today.

This is even more scary. Taehyung could feel stares burning through his clothes, it made it harder to concentrate and his heart was pounding in his chest. His eyes were stuck to the ground and he'd only look up to make sure he wouldn't crash into anyone.

He saw a familiar style of shoes stop in front of him: an old pair of timberlands. It was Jeongguk. He shot his head up and tightened his grip on his backpack straps, his eyes scammed the surprised look on Jeongguk's face.

Jeongguk blinked a couple of times and let his dark eyes travel down Taehyung's body and outline his figure that made his mind messy, "You...you didn't reply to my texts," He finally spoke with eyes still on Taehyung's waist.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see them, I was out with- I was shopping yesterday," Taehyung smiled and pulled out his phone to pretend to be shocked at the notifications he had already seen.

"I wanted to say sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have called you gay and stuff," Jeongguk apologised for the wrong thing but Taehyung was glad he had the heart to say sorry at least. He finally looked up from Taehyung's waist and up at him.

Taehyung just grinned, "It's fine, now come on I'm late," He pushed past Jeongguk who laughed and yanked him back by his forearm.

"You're going the wrong way dumbass," Jeongguk began lead him with his hand still holding onto him, he didn't want to let go. Especially due to the amount of people eager to now date Taehyung, it made him feel odd. Just weird, I just don't want people staring at my best friend, right?

"Oh, what would I do without you?" Taehyung joked in a dreamy tone whilst holding a sweet smile. Jeongguk felt his heart flutter and it was difficult to hide, his ears began to burn and he didn't know how to respond.

"Why didn't you sit with me yesterday?" Jeongguk decided to change the subject again. Taehyung let out a short exhale and shrugged.

"Dunno, didn't feel comfortable I guess," Taehyung mumbled, he glanced at Jeongguk who looked somewhat hurt, "I mean you would do the same too if you had an argument or something," He scoffed trying to justify himself, to his surprise Jeongguk shook his head.

"No, if I had an argument with my best friend I would try to solve it and say sorry as soon as possible," Jeongguk eventually let go off Taehyung when they neared their class, "Unlike you who would run away from the problem," He tutted.

"Sorry but I'm not a confrontational person," Taehyung rolled his eyes and stopped at Jimin who gasped. A wide smile spread across Taehyung's face and he waved at the boy who looked him up and down as he walked over to him.

"You look so fucking good! I knew shopping together would be a good idea," He poked Taehyung who giggled with a slight blush, "Oh my god I'm so jealous, it suits you so much," he continued to flatter him. No one paid attention to the boy standing by the door.

Together? They went shopping together?" Jeongguk felt betrayed, he had spent hours overthinking what had happened and the boy was out shopping with someone. Jealousy began to spike inside of him and he felt himself grow hatred for Jimin.

"Dude, are you just gonna stand there?" Theo caught his attention, Jeongguk shook his head and made his way over to the seat with his eyes still stuck on Taehyung, "What's wrong with you?" Theo's head followed him as he waited for an answer, Jeongguk let out a sigh and leaned towards his ear.

"He went out with the fag for shopping after our argument," He whispered and leaned away, Theo looked at him surprised and snickered, "What? What's so funny?" He quirked an eyebrow and began getting his stationery out.

"He went out with someone you don't like, that's fucking funny. He's got some serious sass," The boy shook his head as he laughed and began to nibble on the end of his pen lid, "You should stop saying that word or else Taehyung will completely ditch you for him," he side-eyed Jeongguk who let out an irritated sigh.

"Yeah you're right," Jeongguk still wasn't satisfied, he wanted Taehyung completely to himself, so he turned around hesitantly, "Hey Taehyung, do you wanna hang out today?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"Um, where though?" Taehyung felt reluctant, the last few times they tried to have a sleepover it didn't go well. Please not a sleepover.

"To have ice cream together, I'll pay," Jeongguk grinned which convinced Taehyung, the boy mirrored his smile and nodded eagerly. Jimin however stared at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows.

Something's definitely up with him. He thought and looked away when Taehyung began talking to him again.


The moment Jeongguk had been waiting for finally arrived, they were walking towards absolutely nothing with melting ice creams in their hands. Well, Jeongguk hadn't licked his at all because all he could do was stare at how mesmerising Taehyung looked as he rambled about whatever.

"So, I was getting ready to scream because she finally fucking went with her plan-"

"We should watch a movie together, tomorrow," Jeongguk suddenly suggest making Taehyung confused. That'll stop you from hanging out with him tomorrow. He smirked at his own plan unbeknownst to Taehyung.

"I thought you found watching shows together gay?" Taehyung gave him a judgmental look, it grow more when Jeongguk cursed under his breath and gave an awkward laugh.

"Y-yeah it is, but I thought you'd like it," Jeongguk smiled hoping he didn't sound suspicious, it seemed to work when the latter looked amused by his answer, "Can I ask you a question?" He mumbled.

"Hm?" Taehyung turned to him and looked up with doe eyes, his nose had ice cream on it and so did his lips. Jeongguk's breath hitched at how innocent he looked with the cream on his face.

"U-uh, what does it mean when you're with someone and you start like finding them attractive and your hearts beating super fast and then all you can think of is them, but you don't want to say that you're in love with them?" He asked without taking a breath, Taehyung almsot missed what he said because of his fast he was.

Sounds like me when I hook up with a guy, Taehyung snickered at his thoughts, "Sorry buddy, but that's definitely a crush. Stop denying your feelings before it gets worse and then the girl dates someone else," He patted the boys back, "Who is it by the way?"

"Nobody, I was just curious,"

First stage is denial

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