27; husky voice.

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Taehyung laid attatched to Jeongguk's side, soft breaths hitting against his boyfriends bicep which sent goosebumps all over Jeongguk's body. The elder suddenly shifted onto his side and pulled Taehyung closer into his arms, tightening his grip straight after.

A low hum of satisfaction leaves Taehyung, his hands gently placed themselves against Jeongguk's chest to prevent him from completely being suffocated.

Unfortunately, the alarm was quick to go off causing the two boys to stir in their sleep and shuffle around to turn it off. Jeongguk was able to reach for it quicker and his arm slumped back of Taehyung who was falling back to sleep against his chest.

"I don't want to go school," a low, husky and raspy voice muttered against Jeongguk's broad chest. It surprised Jeongguk, a wave of butterflies hit him remembering what the cause was, a smirk planted itself on his face.

"You've missed enough class come on let's go," he suddenly sat up with eagerness, there was something about having Taehyung walk around with a sore voice because of him and no one knowing the cause. It made a lustful fire burn in him and he wanted to spark something more.

"But my throat hurts," Taehyung let out a whine and sat up tiredly, leaning against Jeongguk who chuckled and pecked his forehead.

"Oh yeah?" He pressed his forehead against Taehyung's temple and grinned, "Why?" He innocently asked and laughed when Taehyung smacked his chest lightly.

"Shut up," Taehyung shook his head with a blush on his face and stood up quickly.


The two left late anyway, too caught up with flirting with one another which consumed half their time. So, they had to run out of their dorm whilst gripping onto each other's hands tightly so they wouldn't leave each other.

God, he is so cute I'm gonna fucking cry. Taehyung bit down his bottom lip so that he wouldn't smile any wider, he stared at something else like the floor or sky but Jeongguk wouldn't stop squeezing his hand every time they turned a corner which made him almost die inside.

"Oh my God?" A student whispered as they walked past, staring at their intertwined hands with surprise. Taehyung immediately yanked his hand back which made Jeongguk stop in his tracks.

"What? What happened?" Jeongguk frowned reaching to hold the boy again, however Taehyung hesitated and glanced around.

"I don't think public affection is allowed on camp-"

"Tae, don't even start with that you and me both made fun of couples that eat their faces off in the morning," Jeongguk sighed and crossed his arms, "Come on, tell me what's wrong," He patiently waited for the boy who picked the edges of his thumbs and shrugged.

"Nothing, I just thought we weren't allowed that's it," He lied, but Jeongguk didn't seem convinced, "And this is new- especially because you were my best friend like a couple of days ago I'm not really used to it," He smiled stepping back when a student walked in front.

"Tae, you don't need to lie to me if you don't want something, alright?" Jeongguk softly sighed and walked closer to the boy, ruffling his hair for a couple of seconds before heading towards class side to side.

"No I know, I do want to hold your hand and stuff it's just that I'm nervous and not used to it," Taehyung continued to lie, keeping an eye on anyone that stared at them for longer than five seconds.

Whatever you say. Jeongguk turned silent, his mood dropping instantly. They continued to walk like that to class and separated to their seats, not sparing a glance at each other. This isn't what I expected, I thought we'd be all over each other and everyone would be asking if we're dating. Hr let out a quiet sigh as he sat down and stared ahead.

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