16; curiosity killed the butterflies.

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Taehyung coughed into his arm that had wrapped itself around his pretty swollen face, he grunted and slowly began to sit up to the sound of someone cleaning and the kettle on the floor screaming.

"What the hell?" He croaked and rubbed his eyes with one hand whilst using the other one to push himself up, "Jeongguk?" Taehyung's eyes finally met the boy who threw away some clothes into the laundry basket.

"You don't call me that when you're drunk," Jeongguk smirked walking over to the kettle and pulled out a cup from the drawers.

"What happened when I was drunk?" Taehyung weakly leaned against the head board and picked up his dead phone, he sighed and touched his bruised lips. Not again. He placed the device on charge and watched Jeongguk brew some hot chocolate.

"A lot, here," Jeongguk carried two mugs towards him, one for him and one for the other. Taehyung's eyes sparkled at the sight and he eagerly took it, "You were so drunk you literally wouldn't even get up, and when you did you had no clue where you were so I had to brush your teeth for you," he sighed sitting next to Taehyung on the bed, "Move up,"

"I'm sorry, thanks for looking after me though, who knows what I could've done?" Taehyung cringed at the idea of doing more than just kissing people, "Everything is like a weird memory when I try remembering what happened," he groaned and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

Jeongguk watched him with loving eyes, "You were going around kissing people, Jay sent me a video and then Jimin dropped you home and you were tryna kiss me," He laughed deciding to leave out the part where Taehyung had grown emotional.

"I'm so sorry," Taehyung couldn't meet his eyes, he mentally cursed at himself and gripped onto his cup tighter.

Jeongguk fell silent, he stared at Taehyung's lips and remembered that he said he'd kiss Taehyung once he was sober again.

"Tae," Jeongguk lowly called out, Taehyung hummed placing his cup down since it was too hot. He faced Jeongguk and jumped at how close their faces were.

"W-what are you doing?" He whispered leaning back slightly, he nervously giggled and felt his heart burn.

"You wanted a kiss, so I'm giving you one," Jeongguk placed one hand against Taehyung's cheek, tilting his head a little. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was dreaming or if homophobic Jeongguk was really gonna kiss him.

He won't. Taehyung didn't pull back, he was curious too.

Why's he not stopping me? Do I actually do it? Jeongguk closed his eyes, feeling his nose brush against Taehyung's. He could feel every part of his body swarmed with butterflies, he wanted it so bad and with Taehyung not resisting it made him want to.

"W-wait I got a text," Taehyung pulled away and reached over for his phone, he couldn't help but smirk at how Jeongguk let out a quiet groan of disappointment.

Hello, Taehyung, this is a reminder that you have an appointment at 12 pm today, please reply to this message if you are able to attend or if you'd like to reschedule.

I can attend

Taehyung glanced at the time and saw it was 11:35 am. He mentally cursed and sat up catching Jeongguk by surprise.

"Where are you going?" Jeongguk watched him grab one of his hoodies again, he didn't mind and instead smiled as Taehyung rushed around the room.

"I have an appointment because of passing out," Taehyung jumped around as he put on socks.

"What? Why do you need an appointment? Did you pass out again?" Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, "I can drop you off—"

"No it's fine, I didn't pass out again it's just a check up," He grabbed his phone and rushed out of the dorm room. Jeongguk sighed and fell back onto the headboard, now once again he was alone until who knows when.

His mind began to revisit the most recent memories with, Taehyung, especially the past two days.

"Because that's something so stupid coming out of your mouth, you don't need to pretend to be my friend, alright? They've been chatting shit about me for ages now and you're only upset now, why? Because you're not gonna have anyone else to sit with?"

Jeongguk brought his knees up to his chest, hugging them for comfort whilst staring at nothing.

"I mean I wouldn't want to sit with you either, it's pretty fucking embarrassing having random people asking me stuff like 'Oh! Are you really friends with him?' And look at me disgusted when I say yes,"

What if he actually did mean all that? He's actually ashamed to have me near him? Jeongguk felt his mood drop again. How ashamed would Taehyung be when he finds out that Jeongguk might even like men, all the homophobic things he said that caused both of them trouble turned out to be complete bullshit.

Hell, even Jeongguk didn't know what to do with himself. He's a shit friend, a shit person overall and now he was gay after everything. Could he even accept himself? And what would Taehyung think? The last thing he wanted was to loose him but it already started to feel like that was the case.

Jeongguk hadn't noticed that he had already started crying, he hiccuped and reached out for his phone to text Taehyung, but his mother's caller ID showed up.

"H-hello?" Jeongguk sniffed using his palms to wipe away his tears.

"Jeongguk? Are you alright?" The question caused the boy to break down even more, "Hey woah woah, tell mum what's wrong- honey! Jeongguk's crying get over here!" The woman yelled and the sound of frantic shuffling could be heard, "What's wrong?"

"I feel bad for being rude to Taehyung, a-and now he hates me...but I really like him," Jeongguk sobbed struggling to breathe whilst the woman on the other side mumbled something to her husband.

"You two have been best friends since you two were little kids, I'm sure Taehyung won't hate you so easily, and like him? In what way? What did you do that made him upset with you?" His father took over with many questions, he could hear his mother whisper 'don't ask him that type of question he's gonna get upset' causing him to feel even more bad for his behaviour.

"More than a friend, dad, I have a crush on Taehyung," He rolled his tongue against his cheek and pressed the side of his face against his knees, it had grown silent on the other end and he was already preparing for the negative commentary.

"Are you sure? I-I mean it's alright if you do, just that I thought that you know," The man cleared his throat and mumbled something to the woman.

"I know, I don't think that stuff anymore and I really like Taehyung," Jeongguk held his breath to suppress his cries.

"How about this? We called you originally because Taehyung's grandparents invited us over for their anniversary party. We can talk about it then," He suggested and Jeongguk nodded even though they couldn't see them.

"Okay, I'll see you then," He wiped his nose with his sleeve and ended the call once they said bye. He chucked his phone down and picked up the mug of hot chocolate to calm him down, it did little work and still all he could think about was his sexuality.

2 hours later.

Taehyung yawned whilst making his way through the empty building, class was starting soon and there was no sight of Jeongguk. But his friends were there, walking towards in a group of trio.

It was Riel and Sam, along with one new guy Taehyung hadn't seen before. They all stated at him laughing, the new kid lifted his middle finger and stuck it up at Taehyung before dragging it across his wrist a couple of times.

Taehyung looked away and walked past with his face burning and hot flushes repeatedly washing over him whilst his heart beat fastened.

What did that mean?

UGHH I hate my writing sm

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