All About Braces (With Lele)

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Braces- they can be nasty things. But they're actually okay if you know how to deal with them. I'm not a huge expert on regular braces- but I know a thing or two about invisalign. First of all, they are so annoying to wear all the time, so what I do, is I take them out when I eat and leave them out for maybe 30 minutes- 1 hour afterwards. It's only okay to do this 1-2 times a day because it will add time to your invisalign treatment if you do it for longer. You do have to take your braces out when you eat, and when you do, make sure to drink water or brush your teeth afterwards before putting them back in.

Sleeping with braces on for the first few nights can be super uncomfortable, and that isn't just with invisalign. The best thing to do if you get cuts or sores in your mouth or on your lips is to go to a pharmacy and pick up some dental treatment cream. If you put it on the sores they should clear up and feel better very quickly.

Rubber bands can also be icky, but they do help if you use them the right way. Putting them in can take quite a while, but all you have to do is practice a lot. Icing your mouth on the first few nights might help you as well.

Invisalign cases are really important to keep with you at all times, just in case you find yourself in a situation where you need to get your braces out ASAP. Trust me, that has happened to me multiple times.

Cleaning your teeth is even more important with braces. Make sure to brush regularly and floss.

If you have to do invisalign scans through an app on your cell phone or Ipad, I suggest setting reminders, because it can be very easy to forget when a scan is due. You should also check the app regularly for reminders or messages from your orthodontist.

If you have any questions, just let me know in the comments <3

Good lucks with your braces :)

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