English Horse Riding Tips (with Mia Ashe)

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When you ride a horse it is important to stay safe. So, if you want to stay safe and not flip off the horse i suggest to read these tips.   

1.When you mount a tall horse or just any horse try walking your horse up to a step stool or a small ladder and then you can step on that and from there onto the horse. 

2.When you ride a horse ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!

3. When you ride a horse try wearing tall socks so you don't get blisters and boots you don't care about getting dirty or go to a horse supplies store and get some horse riding socks and boots(P.S kids don't wear tall boots until the age of 12.)

4.When you ride a horse wear horse riding pants don't wear short pants or skirts you can go to a horse supplies store to get some.

5.When you go into canter on your horse be prepared if you are not prepared you could fall forward and flip over your horse's head.

6. When you stop your horse don't pull back the reins instead say "wow" in a low voice.

7.When you dismount your horse don't take both feet out of the stirrups at the same time instead take your right foot out and swing it over your horse carefully and pushing your hands down on the saddle take your left foot out of the stirrup and then carefully jump down.

Thank you for reading this i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it is helpful to you.

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