Life Hacks (with Renesmee)

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Every girl has problems in her daily life, so why not make life a bit easier? 


Ever have to unlock the door, car or something else but wind up taking a while to find the right key? Easy, decorate each key so it's easy to find the right key you need. You can use whatever you want, but it would be a good idea to paint them with some glow-in-the-dark nail polish so you can find them just as easy at night as you would during the day. 


 Yep, you heard me right. I bet you some of you are trying to figure out how to get your crush to like you. ( No offense to the single queens, I am one. ) So, let's get to it. First, try to get to know him, but don't go so fast. Second ( this is SUPER important ), don't be someone else, don't be someone your not just to try to impress him. Just overall, be kind, nice be and be yourself and that's the best that you can do! 


 Do you like to dress up but can't decide what to wear? I have some tips for you! First, decide how much you need to wear, according to the weather. Second, choose some sort of theme. You don't want to be all over the place, try to pick clothes that somewhat go together. Third, be yourself in your own personal fashion styles! Maybe this will help you find clothes to wear easier and not take an hour like how I used to! 

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