Respected Wishes

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3rd Person

Lexa walks into Clarkes room to find her stood looking out to the rest of Polis

Clarke turns around to look at Lexa and lets out a sigh and eye roll speaking

"What part of I wont see you did you not understand?"

"I respected your wishes for a week Clarke, we need to talk...about a few things"

"No. We don't have to talk at all. Just leave me alone." Clarke says in a fed up tone walking back to the window. She starts thinking

Clarke's flashback

"You sent for me?" Clarke asks entering Lexa's tent


"You have nothing to fear from me Clarke. You know that right?"

"Hmm" Clarke replies nodding her head slowly

Lexa takes a step forward


"Why do you ask Commander?" Clarke asks swallowing hard

"Why have you being avoiding me Clarke?"

Clarke says nothing just stares at Lexa

Lexa takes another step towards Clarke

"I um.. I" Clarke stutters not quite sure how to answer the question

"It's ok Clarke. I know"

"Know what?" Clarke now more confused than nervous

"About you and Bellamy. I know you're together"

That said Clarke steps forward placing her lips on lexa's. Lexa is stiff at first from shock but then eases into the kiss as she knows she has feelings for her. When Clarke pulls away she speaks

"I am not with Bellamy. I was avoiding you because I was trying to ignore what I feel for you and when you saw me, I think you saw me with him walking into my tent since you're thinking we was together, it was only so we could talk in private so I could ask him what I should do about my feelings for you."

End of flashback

"Clarke I am sorry for what I did but I hope one day you'll understand why I did it"

"Nope. Never"

"What would you have done, if their leader had offered you the same deal? Your people for the price of mine" Lexa asks cocking an eyebrow

"That's not the point Lexa, you still left all my people to die and left me to kill everyone left including some of those who were your friends too, who helped us Lexa!" Clarkes tone was gradually getting higher and higher but her voice was getting shakeir by the second. She sounded like she was about to burst out with tears at the rememberance of pulling the lever killing hundreds of innocent lives.

She takes a deep breath to contain herself and speaks

"I may have pulled the lever, but those deaths are on you too. Now if you've respected my wishes for a week I don't see why you can't respect them further."

"Please Clarke, tell me what i can do , to make up for leaving you there, I know we had something back at TonDC and i'd like to fix this with the hope of us being able to continue that. I know you hate me and do not want to see me but despite us having our personal issues we have bigger matters too."

"Oh really? And what are those exactly?"

"Queen Nia"

"And what about her exactly"

"The way we live and the rules we go by"

Clarke stands arms folded

"In our grounder culture if you feel threatened by someone becuase they have more power than you, they can take it by killing you."

"Well you're the commander, change the rules."

"I can't, it's not that's our main rule that we've all followed from the beginning of time. Someone's powerful, you want their power, you take it. It even applies to me. That's why Queen Nia hated me so much, becuase i'm more powerful than her and she doesn't like that i brought all the clans togehter, which no commander has ever done before. And for the fact i was dating another girl ofcourse."

"Now i know you know what she did to Costia and i couldn't bare the thought of that happening to you, so i got someone to bring you here.... to keep you safe."

Clarke thought for a moment thinking and she settled on the fact that Lexa is really sorry and wants to make it up to her. Clarke can't help the feelings she's feeling and doesn't like that she is feeling it, especially for the person who abandoned her on the battle field. And so she just replies with

"Maybe over time"

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