Four Opponents

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3rd Person

Lexa and Nia stood side by side as the crowd cheered loudly for the leader they wanted to win most.

A warrior blew the horn which signaled a start to the battle. The two opponents went to get their resources, which both consisted of large shiny swords and numerous melee weapons.

Lexa took off her shoulder armor, making it easier to move. In the midst of withdrawing her sword, the large weapon created a loud, sharp sound. Most like a ring to the ears. Following, Nia removed her large stiff jacket, handing it to the guard next to her, never breaking the littlest of eye contact with Lexa.

Lexa searched through the crowd with her eyes, and her eyes only, spotting a very specific blonde girl, whom had been gaining closer and closer to the contestant.

Despite the girl arriving, a shy smile crept to Lexa's face. Softly, she says "I'm glad you came."

Clarke nervously responds, trying her best to be hopeful for Lexa. "Me too."

Turning around, Titus speaks loud enough so everyone can hear "Teik le fate gon Heda's be placed, in gon hands gon Heda!" [Let the fate of the commanders be placed, in the hands of the commanders!"]

"You may begin." He speaks once more sitting on his seat placed right next to the commanders, as well as Queen Nia's throne. The crowd roared with excitement, but everyone around Clarke was nervous. Trikru was beyond nervous for this battle and what it could bring upon them.

The two powerful leaders circled in a pattern for a good 15 seconds before one of them was first to strike. Nia leaped forward lifting her sword to slash at Lexa who is quick to block it. Sliding her sword from under Nia's the two fought for a good 4 minutes, those four minutes consisting of twists and turns, ducks, dodges. Lexa could have sworn she'd slashed the woman's waist.

Nia strikes at Lexa yet again, luckily Lexa blocks it and twists her body to the side, causing Nia loose balance. Stumbling just enough for her to lost concentration, Lexa began to slash at the top of Nia's hand forcing her to drop her one and only weapon.

Laying there with her opponent stood above her, the queen tilted her head to the side, seeing her son Roan in the wings. He was indicated that this was the point he should step in and help.

Roan knew the rules: You kill an opponent- you get killed. You injure an opponent- you get punished. Considering since his mother was the one who banished him from their clan, Lexa was the one who lifted the banishment. He wondered if his mother really deserved this from him, however, amongst the other clans, he would be known as a hero to Azgeda. Acknowledging this, Roan steps forward, giving Lexa a hard blow to the head, knocking her to the ground. Nia gets back up and stands next to her son.

Roan smirks and huffs at his accomplishment as he stares down at an injured Heda, achieved by his hand. Though his smirk is soon wiped off his face when he feels a sharp sensation from the back of his neck out through to the front. Almost as if he was being impaled. Withdrawing the object, Roan drops to the ground and looks up at Clarke Griffin holding a blade, caked with his blood.

Fumed with rage Nia leaps on to Clarke tacking her to the ground and placing her hands around Clarke's neck, strangling her with the rest of her strength.

"I've being dreaming of this moment for a very long time Wanheda."

On the verge of passing out, Clarke gets out between short gasps, "keep dreaming" as she sees Lexa rise behind Nia with her sword in hand. She pulls the blade back, with one swift movement, it slices through Nia's neck, causing her head drop on to Clarke and onto the floor.

Clarke drops her head back gasping for breath. Lexa gives her a minute before helping her to her feet

Hand in hand, Lexa shouts "The queen and prince are dead! Long live Wanheda!"

The crowd burst into claps and cheers, celebrating the victory.

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