I Forgive You Because I...

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3rd Person

A few hours after the fight, Lexa decides to head down to Clarkes chambers. She knocks on the door and waits patiently for the girl to open it.

As Clarke opened the door and notices who it is, immediate eye contact is made.

"Come in" Clarke gestured her hand and moved back so Lexa could enter.

Looking up, Clarke noticed the side of Lexa's head, poorly bandaged up from when Roan knocked her out. "Let me change that for you" she says softly, rising a hand to stroke across the bandage.

Lexa nods with a small smile spread across her face and walked over to sit herself on a wooden chair, conveniently next to another one. Clarke joins her shortly with a bowl of water and a clean rag, sitting herself on the chair next to the fragile woman.

"You almost died today" Clarke commented with a sigh, wetting the rag.

"So did you" The brunette replies with a cocky smirk.

"Yeah, lets not do that again" Clarke speaks while peeling away the dirty bandage.

"No promises though" Lexa replies with her smile, which grew wider whilst Clarke began mending her up.

Placing the new clean bandage over the wound and wrapping it around the top of Lexa's head, Clarke ties it to remain in place.

"At least try for me"

"For you"

Lexa tilts her head up to stare into Clarke's bright blue eyes, wondering if her expression has changed. It hasn't. Lexa stands, looking down at Clarke and speaks "Goodnight Ambassador" and heads for the door.

Unexpectedly, a tight hand grabs her wrist stopping her from leaving, instead turning her back around.

"I forgive you" Clarke blurts out.

Lexa found it hard to reply to such a thing. She was overjoyed, yet also concerned. "What? You do?"

"Yeah- I gathered... that after all the many times you apologized and explained your reason, trying so hard to get me to understand how bad you regret it and wish you hadn't. With what you told me about Nia... what she did- and how bad you wanted to make up for it all. I thought it was more than enough to forgive you."

"Are you sure it's not just because we almost died today?"

The blonde girl nodded, looking at the floor, one hand filled with her other.

"You don't have to say it because you feel bad that I almost died." A long pause commenced, before Lexa continued, "My aunt hated everything about me and took everything from me... including you, Clarke."

"I forgive you because..." Clarke takes a large gasp of air and exhales before finishing, "I love you"

Lexa stands there completely lost for words and in utter shock. "You what?" Lexa stutters out, practically choking on the air amongst them.

"I love you Alexandra. I always have... and I never stopped- but I think the hatred I had for you at the time? Veiled the love I had for you. So when you got rid of all that hatred by showing how much you care, it just left me with the love I feel for you."

"I love you too"

Clarke gave a minimal smile, still out of breath after her whole speech, yet still wrapped her arms around the taller girls waist and burying her face into the crook of her neck.

Clarke pulls away, their faces are inches apart, whilst leaning in and kissing Lexa's soft plump lips. Lexa's hand runs up Clarke's back and rests on the back of her neck keeping it there as their lips move into a soft rhythm. Lexa pulls away after a long minute, pulling the girl into another hug, whispering,

"Thank you, Ai Hodness" [my love]


So. Its is the end of this fanfic, though I am writing a sequel and the first chapter is ready to come out. It's called 'I'm not me without you'

It'll take a while to bring the chapters out as I'm very busy right now and school is starting again soon but I'll try my hardest.

Thank you to everyone who followed this to the end though I know it was short and the chapters were short.

If you have ANY ideas what could be in the sequel PLEASE put them in the comments.

Much love x

I forgive because I...Where stories live. Discover now