Fighting with Barbie

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      You could feel your bruises stinging your body as you drifted in and out of consciousness. The tight ropes around your arms and legs digging themselves into your skin and the knot that formed in your neck from snapping your head up and dropping it. In moments you were awake Jake's laughter and mockery rung through your ears as he fought Kotetsu and then Barnaby.

     Barnaby....the bratty blonde had been hopping through your mind. Although you hated him, he was all you could think about while you hung stories high from the ground. His safety was something you thought about over your own, you felt your heartache the way it had earlier thinking about the idea of him getting hurt. You fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable with the sudden spike in your heart rate, you'd realized that you had fallen for the man over the time he'd become a hero. This was a realization you had at the wrong place and time.

    Since in the end no matter how much you thought about him, he would still be there fighting for his life. As well as yours and the rest of Stern Bild City.

    Despite your companies protests, you skipped the MVP announcement. Plus, it wasn't difficult to know that Sky High would be the winner so you decided to congratulate the blonde the next time you saw him. The Hero T.V. announcer resorted to being background noise while you ran on autopilot and poured yourself a drink. Taking a long sip you decided to bring the bottle back to the room with you to snuggle up and sort your thoughts.

    Beneath the warmth of the comforters, you blankly stared at the television and swirled the liquid in your cup. Throughout today your mother's words had been echoing through your brain:

    "Sweetheart you know you are allowed to have a boyfriend? I know your dad said you couldn't date until you were 80 but, we won't be alive another 57 years."

    To which you remember responding with shock and stutters. It wasn't that you didn't want to date or lacked in being attractive. It was just that being a hero meant you'd have to guess how much time you had to spend with someone which would lead to dates falling apart and people feeling led on, since after all crime stopped for no one. And getting over the possibility of someone dealing with your sudden disappearances and accepting the fact that you were a hero, and not just someone avoiding to pay the bill, there was also the fear of trusting someone you gave your all and face heartbreak when they learn to stop loving you.

    You took another sip of the drink and sunk deeper into the blankets as Sky High waved to the audience. To knock out one of your issues you glanced through your options when they appeared back on screen. Blue Rose, Origami Cyclone, and Dragon Kid were immediately removed from being options since they were children. Fire Emblem soon followed since she was your Rate the Boys Bestie or a.k.a your go-to for fawning over beautiful men (she also happened to get you into BTS).Rock Bison had been ruled out since you didn't know much about him besides his history with Wild Tiger who you hesitated for a bit before coming to the conclusion he would accidentally crush you with his Hundred Power, not that you minded, but you did. Sky High had been your last option since he was almost always cheery and sweet. He was the human embodiment of a golden retriever, but he was a little too loyal to the rules and maintaining his reputation. You weren't trying to commit anything like arson, but you did want someone you could joke around with committing said act.

    The MVP Announcement had somehow caught your attention again when you noticed Albert Maverick moving aside to make room for someone familiar. An annoying itch to solve the mystery of who he was disappeared as fast as it had arrived when the camera zoomed in to a photo of him in his hero suit and his name.

                   Barnaby Brooks Jr.

    You grimaced staring upon the newly introduced hero on the network, from the red suit to the blonde curled hair and landing on his covered green eyes through the black-framed glasses.

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