There Comes NEXT Time

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Slumped against the tall blonde you watched the woman run with terror. In response you flicked a finger, sinking her legs underground. When she looked back at you with disbelief you flicked her off with your Barnaby band-aids.

"Don't look at me all dopey eyed, your ass was getting caught anyway." You muttered before cringing in pain.

"I'm going to pick you up, alright? Brace yourself." You only got to the count of one before he swept you off your feet. You hissed in pain as he activated his Hundred Power and leaped toward a hospital, hopefully. Resting a hand on your burning stomach you pressed down on the wounds puncturing your body. It was becoming hard to focus with how warm it was, the only cold thing you felt was your necklace thumping against your chest.

Your head lulled over before snapping up, causing Barnaby to glance down at you.

"Stay with me we're almost there, then you can get all the sleep you want."

A part of you wanted to make a snarky comment, but you chose against it since upsetting the man carrying you hundreds of feet in the air wouldn't be ideal. Instead you focused on rambling.

"I think..." A sting of pain shot through your body as Barnaby landed roughly on a building. You groaned making him burst out apologies.

"You have lovely eyes. They have to be one of my favorite things about you." Blue eyes stared with confusion, "Why are you talking about me?"

"They can be so cold and calculating, that when they soften up it can be one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen."

Shutting your eyes for a moment to piece your thoughts together, you found your words and opened them again.

"I've noticed that they've been getting softer-no, warmer these days and I wanted to thank you for baring with me. I wanted to do it with something like dinner?" You strained, yet you continued. He could here your voice lower, so why did you still keep talking?

"At my place since you've never been. You could see domestic (Y/n) in action." You joked.

"Stop talking, we're nearby. You can thank me when you're okay."

You grunted when Barnaby took another leap, you were sure this landing would have an impact. It made you wish you had punched the woman at least once, passing out was quickly becoming your only option at this rate.

"I can't thank you enough for all you've done. I'm sorry I couldn't help out much. Next time." The windows of the hospital were visible before the words. Barnaby's arms were beginning to make you feel drowsy as you got comfortable on his chest and relaxed your eyes.

You'd wake up soon. You would be okay.

He landed in front of the ER hoping to catch someones attention. He heard you grumble something about awful chicken sandwiches before passing out.

The stinging pain in your abdomen broke you from your sleep. Not only that, you hated being stuck on your back you wanted to roll on your side. Groans of your annoyance alerted you and Nathan of each others presence. In Nathan's case they were now aware of you being awake. They set down some documents they were going over and rushed toward you.

"Aww my lil' pup how are you feeling?" A gentle look of worry crossed their features as they grabbed your hand.

"I'm living so there's that." You said with a scowl on your face.

"Are you thinking about the shooters from today? If it makes you feel any better Sky got them for you and he's patrolling the area now." Nathan squeezed your hand in reassurance.

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