× Sniper // Stubborn (2/2)

445 7 4

(OG Published: 8/4/21; Edited: 1/15/23)

The way my voice had uttered those three words to Mundy, everyone in the base had tip-toed around the subject.

My tired eyes looked into his sad, shocked ones. I bit my lip lightly, my hand retreating to my side.

"As I said, I might not get it right now, but I'm getting my stuff out of your campervan." I sigh lightly. And then, I walk away from the man I once loved and into the room with my two children.

He hadn't shown his face around either, too ashamed to face his heartbreak. I had told everyone about how I felt, how he made me miserable. How he wasn't responsible enough for me to trust.

Mundy didn't have it in him to admit to himself that I wasn't happy. But, he had to now. 

I was everything to him. His rock, his sun, and his being in my life was a lucky break he got in this crazy world. For me to bear his children was a blessing in itself.

Since then, I disappeared from the base. No one knew where I went. The other men thought I had taken a leave from the job with the Admin's approval. All except Mundy.

The way I'm not here, I didn't leave any notes or way to tell I'd be back. Just left the boys' and my things at the base, in his campervan and my room alike. Something wasn't adding up.

He decided to go into our shared room, looking for anything he could find that would be out of place, then he found it. 

A single shoe was tipped over and thrown across the room. That particular shoe I would never leave in any spot like that, it was one from my favorite pair.

"Oi, Frenchie! Can ya take a look a' this?" He yelled across the base, the aforementioned Frenchman coming to the aid of the bushman. 

They searched the room, finding hints of a struggle and a now obvious crack in the windowsill, the way our children and I were abducted.

"Bushman, look." Achille, now outside, holds up a blue baseball cap, realizing who had done this heinous act.

I wriggle against my ropes, gritting my teeth at the enemy scout. He just grins at me. 

"Do I gotta do this for much longer?" I hiss lightly, the ropes burning at my irritated skin. Both of my boys were in a closet, thankfully not seeing the way I was being held captive.

"I tell ya to jump, you ask 'how high?', rememba'?" He smirked sadistically, a pistol in his bandage-clad hands. I painstakingly continue, his indication to stop being a raised hand.

"That's 'nough. So, the jar man? How's that goin'?" He questions oddly interested. I think for a moment, then look up at him again. 

"Going fine. You saw my children as proof." I hear them start to push against the door. They must be barely able to move around the closet.

"Yeah, see, I don' know.." He trails off slightly, "I heard ya weren't doin' too hot." He twirls the pistol in his hand, then pushes the slide back to hear a satisfying click. 

"He ain't comin' for you. I can play wit' ya all I want. And your kids will be fine, sure, but they ain't leavin' that closet." He threatens me while aiming down the sight of the gun.

"Don't you dare touch me or my children." I snap instinctively, voice laced with malice and eyes full of fire. 

"They're all I got and I'll be dammed if you do anything to them, you hear me?" I lurch forward, staring into his sadistic gaze before he laughs.

"Ya think you scare me, little girl?" He gets up in my face, grin gone as he looks deadly serious at me. His unoccupied hand grips my short hair tightly to keep me in place, the barrel of the gun on my temple.

"I can hurt you in so many ways," his accent all but leaves as he speaks, the feeling of unfamiliarity confusing me, "the respawn will fix this," he gestures to my body. 

"But it won't fix this." He returns the barrel to my temple, tapping it harshly against the skin. 

Just as quickly as he got in my face, he left the room at the sound of sudden commotion. He mumbled a "stay put" when he left, which I didn't do. 

I get to work ridding myself of the ropes, getting up, and retrieving my two bundles of joy. 

"Joey, you remember what your dad taught you about this?" I talk to my older son, his small hand in mine to keep his attention.

"Ye'h, keep Scott safe, no matta' what." He nods up at me and I nod back.

"That's right, good boy. Now, it's going to be scary, but we have to stay together unless I say so. Do you both understand?" I receive more nods from both boys and cup each of their faces in my hands. I give them both kisses on their cheeks and stand up. Facing the door to the room I'm being held in, I take a deep breath in.

Wrapping my hands in some bandage I found, I ready myself to have to fight my way out. Taking another breath, I slowly go up to the door. Turning the knob quietly, my kids stand a little distance away.

Opening the door, I see no one. I take a single step out, then the scout rounds the corner and growls at me. He gets a running start before suddenly stopping in his tracks. I widen my eyes, apprehensive. The familiar sound of a cloak is heard and I see Achille. I smile at the sight.

"Oh, God, I thought I'd have to fight my way out." I sigh relieved to see him.

"We aren't out yet, Mon Cher. Let us go." He gestures out of the doorway and I leave the room, children in tow.

"Is it just you?" I speak lowly, unsure of who was around. I now have my children in front of me, untrusting of the place we're in. I keep my hands slightly raised, ready to fight anyone who comes near my family.

"Zee bushman es 'ere, too. He es outside." He says, butterfly knife in hand as he traverses the halls as cautiously as me. My oldest son holds the pocket knife my... well, I'm not sure what he is, but their father had given him. My youngest holds on to a stuffed rabbit he was given, knowing if he turns the paw it will disorient anyone that he deems a problem.

We finally make it to the exit, my ex-lover keeping watch with his trusty blade. He surveys the land before looking at his little family, rushing over to us all to hug us tightly. 

The smell of cigarettes and just the general outdoors fills my nose nicely, like it used to. We had our kids in both our arms in the hug, just enjoying the fact that we were all free after so long. 

"Oi am so sorry, to all of you. Most importantly Oi'm sorry to you, Luv." He whispers in my ear, his voice husky and broken. 

"Oi should'a neve' took you for granted." He breathes me in lightly, almost not believing I was there. 

"I forgive you, Munds." I say to him as broken as he was. My voice held all the emotion I needed, finally setting our boys down.

"Let's go home." I warily say.

"Let's go home." He agrees.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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