× Pyro // Afterburn

432 17 2

Prompt: Pyro takes off his glove to show you to be careful with fire.

(OG Published: 4/18/19)

Requested by: none

Edited: 1/15/23

"Papa, why do you wear all that heavy stuff?" I look up at my geared-up dad, tilting my head at the rubbery, red suit.

"Well, I burned myself one time, that could be why." He squats down to my height. I look at his black gloves. I can't help but wonder what his hands look like. I'd never seen them before, only his face.

"Can I see?" I point at his gloves, his hands so much bigger than mine. He nods wearily, then gets on his knees to balance a bit more.

"Just know, mija, it won't be pretty." He says as he takes the thick rubber glove off his hand one finger at a time. I watch closely as he takes the glove off his hand. 

My face scrunches up a little at the scarred flesh of his hand, then I look up at him. It must've hurt so much when it happened to him.

"I'm sorry, Papa. Does it still hurt?" I carefully hold his hand, my tiny fingers trailing over the scarring on his.

"No, just the memory of it. It's how I lost your mother." He gulps down emotions, then puts his hand on my cheek. 

"But that's okay, I have you now. I know she watches over you every day, she'd be proud of you."

"She'd be proud of you too." I smile up at him, realizing how hard it was to tell me about his injuries.

"Be careful around fire, but don't let it scare you." He gave that final thought and the sound of the match beginning pulls us out of our moment together.

"You too, Papa." I stand on my toes and give him a kiss on the cheek. He puts his glove back on and retrieves his mask, giving me a thumbs-up before leaving for the match.

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