× Heavy // Little Sandvich

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Prompt: Heavy and his daughter are making sandviches together.

(OG Published: 4/18/19)

Requested by: none

Edited: 1/15/23

"Papa, I making sandvich now?" I look up to my giant of a father hopefully, hands holding his littlest finger.

"Da, little one, you make sandvich now." He crouches down and ruffles my hair with a small smile. Picking me up in one hand, he adjusts me to where I sit in his right arm. I list various ingredients we can put in our sandwiches as he walks to the kitchen.

"Und sprinkles, oh! Unt sparkles! Maybe frosting?" I hear Papa laugh and I pout at him.

"Why Papa laugh? Is true!" He laughs again and sets me down in my booster seat, pushing the chair toward the table. Seeing Spy, I blow a raspberry at him. Jeremy makes a face back at me.

"Little man makes little one smile, Da?" Heavy laughs again and sets down bread, lettuce, tomatoes, ham, some toothpicks, and a stuffed green olive on the table where he will sit. He puts sprinkles, frosting, edible sparkles, and a maraschino cherry on my side.

"Ready, Papa." I smile happily and he hands me a plastic butterknife, putting the green olive on the toothpick he brought over. I mimic him, sticking a toothpick through the cherry, cheering when it works.

When Papa and I are done, I give Scout the sandwich. It turned out to be some cookies, frosting, candy and sprinkles with a maraschino cherry on the toothpick to eat. Papa eats his own sandwich as he watches.

Scout takes a bite and looks up in thought, tapping his chin.

"Is good?" I look expectantly, eyes wide.

"I dunno, maybe Spy can give a final answer?" Scout breaks a piece of the sandwich for Spy; he carefully eats it, humming after.

"Very sweet, but delicious." He gives a thumbs up, Scout does the same.

"Thank you!" I smile brightly and giggle. Scout reaches across the table to give me a high five. He helps me down from my chair as Papa finishes his sandwich.

"I do good, Papa?" I look up at him, and he nods with a smile.

"You did well, little bear." He smiles wider when I tightly hug his leg. He bends down to pick me up, then kisses my cheek.

"I fire Papa's gun now?" I look up for his approval and he gives me a hearty laugh.

"No, Little Bear is still too little." 

"Aw." I pout and he laughs at me again. 

"You worry about playing with toy guns for now, Da?" He brings me to my room, setting me on the floor. I dash to my toybox and pull out a toy gun, returning to him. 

"Da." I evilly smile as he takes me to the common room, Scout sitting on the couch.

"Leetle Man run fast, Da, Papa?" I cock the guns and he sets me down, crossing his arms.

"Da." He gives me the okay, and I dash up to Scout, firing the guns at his face.

"Run, Coward!" I yell as I chase after him, a bullet successfully hitting him in the nose. 

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