× Sniper // Instincts

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Prompt: The reader gets lost in the supermarket and Sniper has to find them. (

OG Published: 2/23/19)

Requested by: The_Dead_Ender

Edited: 1/14/23

Papa and I went to the supermarket today. Mama said it was Papa's turn to go shopping, so I went with him. The things on the list that we needed were easy things like bread, milk, and eggs. I found myself wandering farther and farther away until he turned a corner and I couldn't see him. I was distracted by the pretty cereal boxes.

Thinking as calmly as I could and silently staying put, I remember Papa's instructions as much as possible.

First: Stay put.

Second: Don't yell or scream, it'll only make you feel worse.

Third: Wait till Papa or uncle shows up.

Fourth: Don't talk to strangers.


"Got everything we need, ya lil ankle bita'. Ready to go?" I turn towards where Y/n was supposed to be standing, noticing the small child not there. Sighing, I think of the last place I was before they stopped humming or getting my attention internally swearing. I can't remember.

'Alright, Munds, 'membe' use ya instincts.' I think to myself while turning my cart to another aisle. I tune into my surroundings trying to hear the subtle pit pats of their feet, knowing fully well that they do that when waiting for something or someone.

After that, I try to sniff out the scent of the play dough I bought the koala. It smells close to me and I follow it similar to a bloodhound. Whistling the tune only we know, I hear a soft whistle in return, continuing the whistling as I get closer to my bundle of pure joy.

Soon enough I find my angel sitting in one spot waiting for me to return as I taught them.


I smile up at Papa, his face full of relief. He found me!

"Can we go home now, Papa?" He smiles brightly at me and nods, holding his huge arm out for me to snuggle into. He picks me up and holds me against his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head against his shoulder slowly getting sleepy.

Papa's so smart. He's my hero.

A/n: It was short, I know but I thought it was cute so here you go.

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