× Sniper // Stubborn (1/2)

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Prompt: Sniper and the reader get into a heated argument, almost throwing punches until they are separated. How will they make up?

(OG Published: 3/28/20)

Requested by: Jinx_in_a_trashcan

Edited: 1/15/23

"Don' walk away from me! Oi get the last word!" I walk out of the rec room, our kids on the sofa with their technology to drown out another fight this week. 

"Oh fuck you, Mundy!" I scream, my throat already aching at the overuse. Normally, we could have conversations like the clouds passing by. Now, it's screaming match after screaming match.

"Fuck you, cunt!" I gasp, balling my fists at my sides.

"What!?" He gets in my face, hat discarded somewhere as his blue eyes darkened.

"You 'eard me!" I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to spit in his face from the insult.

Our sons have noise-canceling headphones on, and music playing underneath them. They were blissfully unaware of my spouse and I's arguing.

"Guys" y'all should-" The small Texan tries to diffuse us, but I wasn't having it.

"Shut up, Engie! This is between me and this asshat!" I push against Mundy's chest to get him out of my face, Dell raising his hands in surrender.

"Asshat? Seriously!?" Mundy looks me up and down with an almost hurt look and I shake my head. I point at him and sneer.

"This is all because you couldn't keep an eye on them! They're 7 and 8 for fucks sake, Mundy!" I gesture to the boys, the leftover worry from earlier today evident in my words.

"You were the one that left!" He argues, holding his hands out at me, then to his sides. He tries to get closer again and I hold my hands in front of me again. 

"Oh, don't blame me!" I push my husband back further, face beyond red from pure anger at his irresponsibility.

"Don' push me!" He retaliated, Dell is holding the tall, lanky man back while Aiden and Jeremy hold me back. I see him physically letting Dell hold him back while I just point at him from behind the two men.

"I'm tired of your shit! I'm tired of it! I want a divorce!" I blurt out finally, hot tears in my eyes from just how angry I am. I let them fall down my face as the tension gets cut in half.

The room goes silent, the only sounds being Mundy's panting and my sniffling from the tears. The men behind me hesitated, the tears pooling down my face. As I hold my hands at my sides, fingers balled in fists.

"I'm done, Munds. I want a divorce." I feel the men's grip on my body loosen and lightly shrug them off. 

"I'm tired of the fighting. I'm tired of worrying where my children are when I let you watch them." I breathe out slowly. I fiddle with my hands for a second, then twist my wedding ring. I sniffle and pull it off, holding the gold band in my fingertips.

"I'm exhausted." Raising a hand up to my face, I lay it against my forehead. 

"Can't you see how stressed I am? I have dark circles around my eyes, I'm tired, I'm even getting grey hairs and I'm only in my 30's." I shake my head, running my hand through my tangled hair.

"Oi.." The other man lets my spouse go, his hand lightly reaching out for mine. The gesture was calm and apologetic but I shake my head. I set the ring in his hand, locking eyes with him. I move away, using both hands to wipe the trails of tears from my face.

"Ma, Oi can't get this to work.." my son lightly pulls on my shirt, Dell looking at me to see if I want him to take over, I give him a light shake of my head. I sniff and kneel to his level, reaching for the tablet he has and quickly fixing the problem he has.

"There you go, Joey." I smile tiredly at him and he stands on his toes, giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Thanks, Mama." And with that, he walks back out to where his sibling is and goes back to what he was doing.

"Mundy," I look at him seriously, "I'm taking my stuff out of the camper. Maybe not right now, but I am. You don't have to agree with me, but I won't fight with you about it." He looks at me with a look of sadness, but retracts his still lingering hand, walking away from me and the rest of the team.

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