× Spy // Half Blood

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Prompt: Father!Spy where the reader finds out Scout is her half brother then wants to bring the family together.

(OG Published: 3/26/19)

Requested by: JustAnotherUserKiwi

I'm setting your age as 10 in this.

Edited: 1/15/23

"Papa! You're back!" My tiny legs carry me to Papa Laurent as he kneels to my height. His arms are outstretched for a tender hug. My smaller arms wrap themselves around his torso as much as they can. He wrapped around me tightly, feeling my longing for him while he was away.

"Did 'ou miss me, Papa?" I ask, not really needing an answer. "I missed 'ou. I missed 'ou a lot." I take in the scent of his expensive cologne and smile, my hands gripping his suit sleeves tighter.

"Of course I missed mon petit trésor." He says from the top of my head, kissing my hair lightly.

"Who is J'eremy?" I whisper almost inaudibly. The memory of a person's name, as a tattoo, almost too perfectly hidden on Papa's wrist appears in my mind.

"Who?" He looks down at me with confused expression.

"J'eremy, Papa. 'is name ees on 'our wrist."

Now Papa, Jeremy, and I are sitting on the lounge room couch in the base.

The silence is thicker than butter fresh out of the icebox, so I cross my arms and look away from both boys. This "Jeremy" kid looks like me, I can't deny that.

"How is dis li'l pipsqueak my siste'? She's.. A she." The older of us speak up and scrunches his nose at me in disgust.

"That's 'ow kids work, Jeremy." My dad facepalms while shaking his balaclava-clad head.

"Not my fault you're a stinky boy, J'eremy." I mock his name and he huffs angrily. Papa is thinking about how to get this to work out.

"Okay, 'ere. I get z'at 'e is most likely not wizh 'our mozher anymore, but 'e ees my Papa." I threaten the boy, his extra 4 years on me causing no concern.

"Look, mini-frog. I don' want that smelly man as my dad."

"We are een agreement, z'en. Good." I smirk and flick his nose.

Jeremy scoffs at the action, grabbing me under my arms and jolting up. He spins me upside down and tickles my belly with the tips of his fingers. 

"Ack! Non! Let me go! 'Ou pitiful Yankee!" 

"Who you callin' a Yankee?!" 

Maybe we won't be enemies over our father after all.

Maybe we'll become friends.

Tf2 Father Scenarios/Oneshots! [Requests Open!]Where stories live. Discover now