Chapter 12

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"hello my little firefly"

A gentle male voice comes softly in your ear, you blink, unable to move too much. He places a finger on your cheek to wipe away your tears as you finally open your eyes and see a handsome man holding you in his arms with a proud look.

"Please stop harassing our poor baby dear, they'll never get any sleep at this rate" A female voice speaks out from a distance, you try to turn your head to look at the source of the voice but their face is blocked by the sun.

"but I just wanna cuddle my baby a little more honey... Please?"

She walks closer and steals you away from the weeping man, you look up finally getting a good look at her. She's beautiful, her features seem like she came straight out of a fae tale, she has a kind smile on her face with silky long h/c and sparkling purple eyes. You can't help but feel secure in her slender arms as she cradles you close while humming a tune you swear you've heard before...

"Hello my precious y/n...don't worry I'll protect you from the big bad man" she kisses your cheek, tickling you and making you giggle in response as you reach out to her with your tiny hands. She gladly leans in letting you touch her soft cheek.

"no fair!" the man cries as he reaches out in vain wanting to hold you just a little while longer, he goes to take you but the woman pushes his face placefully.

"Now,'ve held y/n for the past hour! It's time for a nap before the poor thing starts crying"

He lets out a sigh, nods finally giving up before sitting back down in defeat. The woman takes you away to a room, your room, only it's different, it's covered in hand drawn portraits, candles, books and a cradle that you're gently placed in. The beautiful woman brushes your hair from your face and tucks you in, you reach out to grab her not wanting to let this mysterious woman go almost out of reflex. She stays by your side rocking the cradle gently. You try to speak.

"Who are you?"

Your voice doesn't come out and is instead replaced with incoherent gurgles. The woman laughs lightly before starting her song, she sings in a language you can't understand but her voice is so sweet that you find yourself drifting off into sleep without a care.

It finally feels safe...

Suddenly your eyes flutter open, your vision is foggy at first, after a couple of blinks your eyes adjust. It's already night and a fire is crackling in front of your resting body, the cold fever you had is gone as you're now wrapped up in a blanket. You look around seeing you in a part of the woods you've never seen, how did you get here?

"you're awake..." a friendly voice calls to you from the otherside of the flames as you make eye contact with Techno, you're happy to see him but he has a solemn look.

"What's wrong?" you sit up, going to move over to him but he just sighs and gestures for you to stay where you are.

"please don't...don't look at me with that sympathetic look, It's my fault that...everything ended up this way."


A flash of memories come to you, your home burning, you being carried away. You looked into the fire realising it wasn't just a had really lost your home.

"oh...right" You hugged your knees wrapping the blanket around your shoulders ''so it wasn't just a nightmare then" He nodded.

"I'm afraid so"

You wanted to comfort him saying it wasn't his fault but when you went to speak you only choked up from the thoughts of all the precious things you lost to the unforgiving flames.

"I promise..." Techno started, you raised your head up at him with an expectant look.

"I'll find you somewhere safe to stay..." He looked up at you, his red eyes glimmering with determination and sorry. You only nodded with a sad smile. As he stoked the fire.

"There's a place I know, far from anyone. It's a long Journey to the Arctic border but no one goes'll be safe"

"I see, well...I guess I can't just stay here forever"

The two of you couldn't sleep after that, you just sat in deafening silence with only the wind and occasional cracks from the fire to listen to. You thought about your lost home, it was to be your forever home and eventually your grave. It was a sad thought but you wanted nothing more than to live there and then die there one day. But that future went up in smoke...literally.

You gave a small chuckle at your joke, making Techno glance up for only a second. You sighed, having enough of this silence.

"so...where next exactly?" making eye contact you asked firmly.

"first we're going to the bordering town...there we should be safe for at least one night, we'll rent a room, then make our way to the capital"

He'd already planned everything out while you slept, not leaving out any details.

"And then what? How are you going to prove your innocence?"

"y/n I told you to stop worrying about should think about yourself more...I'll get you somewhere safe then I'll take care of everything."

He pointed a stick at you with an annoyed look on his face. You stood up, the blanket falling off your shoulders as you looked at him with confidence.

"Like it or not we're a team now Techno...I have nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to and it seems like you don't either...." You paused thinking about what to say next.

"Even though we haven't known each other that long, I want to know that we can trust each other and I can help you do this... Okay?!... Partner?"

You didn't budge, his eyes widened at your sudden proclamation of partnership. He sighed, obviously you weren't going to let this go.

"I see, I think I understand. It's a stupid idea but if you really want to help me, I can't stop you"

"nope! You can't! Now go to sleep! I'll keep watch!" You flexed your arm showing how ready you were, he cringed.

"over my dead body, partner"

The Lost Prince (TechnobladexFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now