Chapter 34

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You cocked your head to the side, waiting for an answer. He couldn't help but hold your hand tighter to pull you up off the table and into his arms, with a smile he said.

"Lead the way" 

With a quick nod and smile you took his hand in yours, running out of the room with him. He followed so patiently a smile plastered on his face the whole time, you both ran past pestering servants and confused soldiers to the back exit. He could run faster than you but always kept the same pace as to not tire you out. Eventually you escaped the castle walls, running like you would before; hand in hand, wind on your face. 

"Where are we going?" He questioned, but really it didn't matter where he would follow. 

"we're going into town! I need a proper tour!" You joked, your laugh echoed in his mind. Running past the iron gates and into the town below.

"wow" you couldn't help but stare in awe at the kingdoms scenery, like a painting come to life.You followed the clean cobble streets passing beautifully crafted brick and wood homes, shops filled with the scent of fresh goods,  laughter and music poured from taverns and the streets lined with crowds of families and friends alike.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He took lead, walking towards the more busy parts of the town. As you passed people stared in awe and confusion, you wondered why until you looked back at Techno. He was still dressed in his princely attire, minus the crown and cape, so the two of you stood out like a sore thumb. When the two of you entered a bakery the man gasped loudly,  even more attention to the both of you.

"My Prince!" The baker yelled from behind the counter, bowing, the other customers followed suit. Techno raised a hand indicating they could stop, The baker looked up with glee.

"you've returned safely!" He walked out from behind the counter dusting his hands off on his apron and holding a paper bag of baked goods. His hooves clicked on the stone floor, he was a centaur with long brown hair. "Please take this" The centaur gave Techno the bag of freshly baked raspberry pastries, the smell making you salivate. When the baker noticed you attached to the side of the famously stoic prince his eyes widened, based on your attire he thought you were another noble.

"oh! Your grace!" He bowed to you as well, making you grin sheepishly from embarrassment.

"please…there's no need to bow, I'm no noble…just his partner"

Technos eyes widened, he told you not to say that before because of misunderstandings but it was too late.

"partner?!" He screeched in joy. "Our prince is engaged?!" Other customers began to murmur and cheer that their once lonesome prince who locked himself away to only work or fight finally had a partner. Your face turned a bright shade of red as you desperately tried to clear up the mess you'd made from your loose tongue. 

"w-wait we're-"

"My Prince! Congratulations!" he cheered, shaking Technos hand. Techno didn't even deny it, only giving the man a polite thank you whilst glancing over at you with a smug expression. 

"Now where shall we go, my beloved?" He mocked.

"you're horrible!" You replied while pulling Techno out of the bakery as the residents waved goodbye. After a while of walking a small child came up to the both of you, he raised his hands offering wildflowers to you.  

"Thank you" You take the wildflower, tucking it behind your ear. Your acceptance made the boy smile, so you decided to thank him.

"hey...thank you so much, here's a little thank you from my friend too" 

The Lost Prince (TechnobladexFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now