Chapter 28

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"Everyone here is fired" 

His words were cold and filled with spite, your eyes widened in shock. The servants all turn and look at eachother confused. 

"I said LEAVE" He spits out, glaring at each servant and maid who quickly scramble to run out of the palace before their lord gets angrier. You stand behind him, speechless at his actions, you glare at him as he turns around to look at you like he hadn't done anything wrong.

" their free" 


Your hand slaps Techno right on his cheek, how could he be so careless? 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" You spit out, disgust and anger linger in your voice. The guards watch the scene in utter confusion and fear at your actions, believing their lord will order you to be executed. However the pink haired man turns, looking at you with a soft and understanding smile, his carefree smile makes you sick. You turn your head away in disgust. 

"It was an act of mercy, their lives belong to me and now they're free" He spoke in the voice he used whenever you got angry, it was always full of compassion but today it felt different. 

"Mercy?! Are you insane?!"

"I understand how it looks, please let's just talk in my office" 

"talk? Now you wanna talk?" You throw your hands up in anger. "I don't want to hear your excuses or apologies...this isn't like you" You rub your arm nervously, he tries to approach to reach out but you avoid his touch, moving aside and walking away.


You should've told them

Those traitors don't deserve mercy

Should've killed those murderers

Techno holds his head in his hands, trying to shut out the voices in his head. Why we're we so active recently? Was it because he was back in this place? Back "home". He turns to look at your form and slowly disappears up the stairs as you storm off angrily, he sighs and looks to the side where a picture of his mother hangs. She has a warm smile painted on her face, her beauty and grace immortalized for all to see but him. The longer he gazes into her red eyes the louder the voices become. 

"Come c-closer my baby boy" 

A voice whispers into his ear as a cold hand reaches for him, the chill makes him jump in fear, backing away from the painting. He stares at her, her smiling face taunts him, just like all the servants. He punches the wall in frustration at today's events.

"not again..." Techno quickly dusts himself off before going back to his office, he'd need to hire more staff.

Meanwhile you lay exasperated on your bed, I can't believe he just did that... You think to yourself, looking up at the beautifully painted roof. Your eyes trail the carefully crafted clouds and angels as you think. 

"maybe I should've just listened to what he had to say instead of storming away" You were starting to feel guilty, maybe there was something you just weren't understanding?  His words played back in your mind, "their lives belong to me and now they're free". The concept of lives belonging to someone made you sick to your stomach, how could he throw away a life so easily? Everything was just so tiring, the comfortable bed and lack of sleep made it easy for your tired brain to slip away into sleep. Maybe you really just needed to rest.

A knock came to your door,  shaking you from your slumber. Then the door creaked open, your head curiously peeked up at who was there.

"Hello y/n, I've come to collect you for dinner" 

The Lost Prince (TechnobladexFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now