Chapter 22

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"I count six Hunters" 

You whispered, listing off all you could see. It didn't look good, Philza lay unconscious, his condition unknown and there were multiple hunters armed to a tee. You looked at Techno desperate for a plan, he continued to stare at the scene, wondering what to do himself. 

"w-well what are we going to do?!" Tubbo whispered, his eyes were puffy from crying but he held himself together for the sake of helping the orphanage and Philza. You looked between Tubbo and Techno, waiting for Techno to take the lead, but he didn't. 

"what if.." you started "what if we ambushed them? Me and Techno will face them while Tubbo sets the kids free, they won't be able to chase you and fight us at the same time" you proposed a plan, Tubbo nodded, he was confident he could do his part but Techno shook his head. 

"Let me take care of this" He suddenly stood up, face focused down at the hunters below. He slid down from the hiding place, sticking close to the shadows. Before you could even tell him to wait he was already gone, you grit your teeth, how could he go on by himself like that?! He's going to get himself killed!

"Tubbo, stay here." you demanded, following after the reckless pink haired man. You stayed as quiet as possible whilst sneaking around to the cage. Techno went the other way, he flicked off the hood of his cape and stood up; his boar mask caught the glow of the moon and his red orbs peered through the carved eye sockets. From where you sat he looked just like a beast. One of the hunters noticed his presence and immediately tried to shoot him on site. Techno deflected the bolt with a swing of his word, the bolt hit the metal with a spark sending it flying in another direction. The hunter's eyes widened as he desperately tried to reload, Techno wouldn't let him and before the other hunters could react he had his sword to the young man's throat, holding his life hostage. 

The other five hunters immediately raised their crossbows, pointing them at the mysterious man. The hostages eyes grew wide at the sight of crossbow bolts ready to be fired. 

"w-wait!" he called out to his colleagues to cease fire, they simply waited for orders from their leader. The leaders doot tapped on the stone floor in annoyance, another bloody interference. Techno stepped out further into the moonlight,  revealing his form, all eyes were on him. 

"Leave...or I'll kill every last one of you" Technos voice was bitter and cold, he'd had enough of hunters to last a lifetime. The leader only laughed at his attempt to threaten them. 

"And then what? Fae are illegal...even if we do we can't let em go" 

"don't you worry about just give me the fucking key to the cage" 

You sneak up to the cage,  the kids quietly look at you with pleading eyes. You give them a sad smile before working on the lock, it was a simple padlock, you'd have to break it. Meanwhile Techno is still at a standstill, he's dependent on the care of his hostages' teammates. Everything looks like it's going well until the leader goes through his bag pulling out a warrant. Technoblades eyes widen at the sight of his face and mask drawn there for all to see. 

"This is you...ain't it?" The leader smirked "one million that's more then these kids combined" he whistled, that number was nothing to laugh at.  Techno scoffed in response. 

"So what? You gonna kill me? You'll have to kill him first" Techno held the young hunter in front of him like a human shield.

"oh yeah...that's fine with me" The leader shot his bolt right between the hunters eyes, eliminating Technos leverage. Even the fellow hunters were shaken about their leader's actions. Techno only let out a long sigh. 

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