Chapter 27

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When your maid returned she brought several others, a tub full of water and fresh clothes. All curtsied before getting to work, you stood still unsure of what to do exactly until a maid suddenly came up to you and began to undo your top. 

"ah!" You jumped, closing up your top in response. The maid looked horrified, wondering what she had done wrong or if she had hurt you.  

"Oh god your grace! I'm so sorry. Have I hurt you in any way?!" 

She frantically checked your body, looking for any cuts or scrapes. You shook your head stepping away from her, a blush spread across your cheeks in embarrassment.

"no no...I can just do this part myself" You said, there was no way you were letting some stranger bathe and dress you. The maids face fell, her eyes trailed to the floor. 

"I u-understand your grace" 

You looked down at her with pity, you never meant to make her so upset. You sighed not wanting them to get in trouble. 

"Let me do the undressing, then just help me with...whatever" You internally groaned, their faces turned to one of joy as they prepared the water for you. You undressed,  wrapping yourself up before getting in the bath. They began to wash down your arms and back with a cloth, gracefully scraping off all the grime your body has collected over the last couple of days. The maid made small talk. 

"So your grace, how long will you be staying at the castle?" 

You hadn't quite thought about that yet. 

"I haven't gotten around to talking about that with Techno."

The maids gasped and looked at you with admiration for simply saying their lord's name. 

"you must be very close with our Prince your grace" 

"It's y/n" You corrected them as one of the maids washed your hair. 


"please just call me y/n from now on,  not your grace" 

The maids looked at each other in confusion, then back at you. The head maid spoke up. 

"aren't you a noble, your grace?" 

She asked, cocking her head to the side. You blinked in confusion, what gave them that idea?  

"no no!  I'm just a...person I guess?" 

The Maids began to whisper about you and the situation, then huddled together to discuss this. You were awkwardly sensing you had said something wrong until they had finally turned around to face you again. They hesitantly continued helping you, no longer talking. The silence made the awkward situation worse and when they were done the Maids left without exchanging any words. You got dressed thinking nothing of it, Techno had brought you new clothes to wear at such short notice. It was a blouse with similar design to his own, high rise black pants that fit tightly hugging your waist and stomach, it was decorated with four gold buttons at the front and a pair of small heeled brown lace up boots. 

"'s so comfortable" You said to yourself before beginning the journey downstairs. No one had told you what to do after so you would just explore for the time being. The castle halls were busy, lined with servants cleaning, doing laundry or delivering messages. As you passed most of the Maids and Butlers Curtsied and bowed to you with polite greetings and good mornings. You noticed that very rarely a maid would snicker or mumble in the corner of your eye. 

"MY LORD PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!" A man screamed down the hall, he was being dragged by two knights who held tightly onto his arms and forcing him to move forward, you stepped out of the way letting them pass. The other servants did so as well, avoiding looking at the poor man. 

"It was just a simple mistake! Please! I'll never do it again! Please don't execute me"

You recognized him as being the head butler that greeted you this morning, why was he being dragged away? And what was this about execution?! You raced back towards the Knights grabbing one of their arms to stop them. All the servants stopped to look at what you were doing with interest. The knight turned back at you with a glare, he looked you up and down. 

"Let him go!" You spoke firmly, the Guard raised an eyebrow before speaking in a harsh tone. 

"His Majesty ordered us directly to execute this man for his crimes. Anyone who gets in the way is subject to execution themselves" He wasn't playing around, this was a serious matter that you had caught yourself up in. The butler looked at you with hopeful eyes. 

"BY-Your grace! please save me!" his voice was desperate, the guardian looked at eachother confused. 

"Your grace?" They questioned in unison, looking back at your confident expression. You were scared shitless on the inside, but you weren't going to let someone get executed for some mistake. 

Why would Techno do this? you thought.

"I'm going to talk to Techno, Don't move!" 

Despite their previous orders the knights didn't move, they were curious as to what would happen. The servants all watched as you strode down the hall to the room the man was pulled out of, it was an office. Inside Techno sat at the desk going through papers with a frown, he was so calm despite ordering someone to lose their life. You stormed right to his desk slamming your hands on the table angrily. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" 

Techno looked up at you with a truly confused expression, why was he in trouble now? Your glare didn't waver, making Techno sigh and look back at his papers casually. 

"How was your bath? Were the maids well behaved? " He asked, shuffling every now and then. His reaction only made you angrier.

"Why are you killing that man? This isn't like you..." You looked away,  clearly disappointed that the man you had traveled with was very different from what you came to learn. He was apparently cruel and cold, killing anyone that bothered him. He looked back up at you, blinking in surprise at your hurt words. 

look what you did now


He deserves it

He hit the side of his head, trying to shut up the voices that had recently been more active lately. The bloodshed from the fight against the witch hunters has brought them out. You watched him punish himself quickly reaching out to stop his hand from hitting him again, he looked back up at you. With a smile he cupped your hand with his leaning in to touch your soft hands with his cheek. You yanked your hand away in surprise.

"Hey! Don't act all sweet now!" 

"You were the one that was angry at me, yet you still stopped me from hurting myself..." He said smugly, knowing you weren't truly angry with him. You sighed, after all this time you really couldn't stop caring. 

"Please...just don't kill or hurt any more of your servants" 

Techno pondered your words, looking back at the papers in front of him then at your disheartened face. He let out a long sigh before agreeing.

"Fine...I'll stop...If it will make you happier"

"It will thank you! 

You smiled once again, Techno stood from his chair walking out to the halls, as the servants quickly went back to work pretending they weren't listening. Techno gave them all a hateful glare before speaking up. 

"Everyone here is fired"

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