Chapter 6

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"okay Techno! Let's head back now!"

You picked up the basket filled with freshly washed clothes, you were gonna hang them up at home. Turning around expecting the pink haired man to be close by. You were surprised he wasn't anywhere in sight. You didn't see or hear him leave so he's gotta be near by right?

"Techno? Where the hell did you go?"

You walked into the wooded area but you just couldn't see him, nothing but trees and grass. Surely he hadn't gotten huffed.

"he had one job!" you shook your head disappointed but not surprised, he really was like a distracted kid. Though the thought of that tough and stoic man lost in the woods like a child made you chuckle.


"What are you laughing at?"

"AHH!" a slightly annoyed monotone voice shocked you back from your thoughts, scaring the shit out of you and making you drop the basket. You spun around ready to scold him for sneaking up on you again but held your tongue once you saw he had a dead deer slung across his shoulder.

"and where the hell did you get that?!"

"I hunted it," he answered in his usual monotonous voice.

"What on earth is it?" you held out your arms, just shocked by the lack of care he had for his own health.

"to eat, obviously." he took the deer off his shoulder and placed it in your arms thinking you wanted it. Your eyes widened as the weight of the deer came crashing into your arms taking you down with it.

"WHAT THE-" you huffed pulling your arms out from underneath the deer. "We have plenty of soup left!"

He frowned and looked away from you.

"I'm sick of vegetable soup...let's eat meat"

You looked up at him as he picked the deer up once again. Maybe a little meat wouldn't hurt...he did hunt it for the two of you after all...

"well fine, but I'm not harvesting that thing"

"I'll do it" Techno grumbled in response as he trekked back to the house. You chuckled and followed behind, basket in hand.

"You know you're kinda weird..." you made casual conversation to lighten the mood. He glanced at you before facing forward again.

"and why is that?"

"I mean two days ago you wanted to get the hell out of here but now you've settled in like you've lived here forever!" you politely chuckled, Techno stopped in his tracks making you bump into him.

"oof-hey Why'd you stop?"

He had a solemn look on his face, as he avoided eye contact.

"I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow..."

He continued walking, you stood back taking in what he just said. As he got further and further away you felt a small pang in your chest, for some reason it hurt that he could walk away so casually.

With a troubled look you replied with only a soft and lonesome "oh..."

The rest of the journey was covered in a thick layer of suffocating silence as you pondered what it would be like being on your own again... The thought just made your chest ache more.

When you finally arrived home Techno quietly went to work on harvesting the deer meat while you made your way inside to prepare the rest.

As you walked in you looked at a door across from your room, it had been locked since that day...before you were all alone memories of your quiet house being filled with laughter and love made the pain in your chest swell so much you fell to your knees, trying to hold back the urge to cry your eyes out like when you lost them.

You sat there for several minutes or at least that's what you thought, creek... The door slowly opened and Techno walked in, his hands covered in blood from his harvesting.

"I'm all don-" Techno looked over at you, kneeling on the floor with a sad expression plastered on your face, his once stoic eyes and voice turned soft.

"hey... Are you... Alright?"

You blinked a couple of times, then turned to the pink haired man. With a big sigh you forced a smile on your face.

"I'm fine..."

His expression turned into one of worry as he held out his hand, you happily took it and stood up. When your knees wobbled he took his hands under your arms to keep you stable. The whole situation made you laugh.

"Look at you helping me... You're the one who's injured"

He smiled a nice warm and friendly smile, your eyes widened at the sight. He hadn't smiled since coming here but the moment you saw it you felt such genuine care and comfort in his eyes that you couldn't help but smile back.

"thank you..."

He looked shocked, coughing quickly to cover up his smile and turning away in embarrassment.

"this is nothing...let's just eat dinner already, I'm starving."

You nodded in response and smiled wide.

"Since this is a special dinner and you're gonna be leaving soon, we have to celebrate! Let's have a drink!" You cheerfully skipped off to a hatch in the corner of the room.

"Do you have alcohol?" He was puzzled that he'd never seen that hatch before.

"yep! I make it myself with leftover berries! My dad taught me how to do it" you yelled from down in the basement.

"hm... I thought only the upper class had access to alcohol"

You poked your head out of the hatch.

"What was that?"

"ahem, nothing..."

You shrugged and carried up a small barrel, placing it on the kitchen bench.

"I think you might like it, my dad said his soldier friends used to make it all the time"

"Your father was a soldier? From what province?"

"uh... I think it was in the holy kingdom"

"impressive...he must've been a fine warrior"

"I wish! He was lazy and hated confrontation"

You laughed remembering all the times you had with him before putting the meat on to cook.

"And where is he now?"

You stopped moving, a troubled look came on your face. But you didn't want him to worry on a great day like this one so you shook your head to expel the memories.

"he left, I don't remember much so..." you shrugged just trying to avoid the topic, techno got the message.

"ah... I see"

"Enough about me! Tell me about your family!" you poured yourself and him a drink, passing the cup over. He gladly took it.

"my family?... Well... My Father had four Wives who each conceived a son, I'm the second oldest and my brothers are... Well assholes"

You took a swig of your drink nodding while listening.

"come on that can't be it"

"That's quite literally everything"

He drank some of the liquor, the taste was sharp and bitter and the alcohol warmed his throat, he sighed a long happy sigh. It had been a long time since he felt comfort like this.

With another swig of your drink you felt the liquid courage rush to your brain.

"I'll go first then!" 

The Lost Prince (TechnobladexFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now