Calm Before The Storm Chapter 2

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As Luffy and Nami had talked about during breakfast, the crew took the rest of the day off. Well their own definitions of 'taking the day off'. Usopp was helping Nami pick tangerines from her trees as they talked and laughed, Robin was sitting in Franky's workshop reading a book while Franky worked on his latest invention, Law and Chopper were talking about different medical things while Luffy just sat there listening, asking questions every now and then, Chopper happily answering each question with enthusiasm. Law was even answering some of the questions, happily in fact. They continued talking shop but eventually Luffy changed the way he was sitting to where he was practically in Law's lap and fell asleep while the two doctors continued to talk. Brook went to the crows nest to play his music peacefully and write new songs. He wanted to surprise the newly engaged couple, Zoro and Sanji, with a special new song for their wedding. Speaking of weddings, the couple in question were below deck laying together in Zoro's hammock talking about the before mentioned wedding. As they laid there together they figured it would be best to start talking and planning what they could. " do you want to do this thing?" Zoro asked, laying in his hammock, one arm tucked under his head like a makeshift pillow and the other around his lover who was curled up against his chest. This question prompted the other man to prop himself up slightly and look at the other man with a slightly irritated smile while saying "how romantic you stupid moss ball" he said, gently hitting the other man on the chest. "Haha, sorry I don't really know a lot about weddings" Zoro laughed nervously. "Well I'll help you. Here, give me a second" the cook said, pulling a small notepad and pen from his pocket. "Ok, well let's start something easy, who are we going to invite?" he asked. "I mean I Don't really want it to be huge," he said, propping up to look at the cook as they talked. "Ok, I agree but who should come?" He asked again. The swordsman looked back confused and slightly nervous, "ok how about I make a list and then read it to you and you tell me what you think" the cook said letting out a small sigh and started writing as the other man just watched. It didn't take long for the cook to write up a short list. "Ok, how does this sound for the guest list; the crew obviously, Zeff, Mihawk, Vivi, Ace, Genzo, Nojiko, Yasopp, Sabo, Garp, Bepo, and my sister Reiju. I figured we would let people bring a plus one but I think the only ones that would bring a plus one would be Mihawk, Vivi, Ace, and Sabo" he said looking to his fiance for his opinion. "Yea that sounds good but why are we inviting Luffy, Usopp, and Nami's family's, also that weird polar bear thing?" Zorro asked in confusion. "Well, Luffy is our captain and has sacrificed a lot for the crew, and Ace is sort of a friend, and Nami and Usopp will have to meet each other's families at some point plus their our crewmates, and as for Law I figured that Luffy would want us to embrace him as a new member of the crew and I thought this would be a good way to do that" Sanji says. Zoro just looks at him and thinks for a second before agreeing to the guest list. "Well moss head, that went easier than expected, let's move on" the cook says smirking as Zoro gives him a small glare. "What do you want to wear. Don't worry I won't force you to wear a suit" the cook says playfully. "Actually I think I want us to wear suits. I thought maybe I could wear a black one and you could wear a white one. Zorro suggests starting to blush. Sanji stares back in surprise before saying "really? I think that is the best idea you've had yet marimo" he says giving his fiance a peck on the cheek making him blush more. "Ok, well we are almost half way there, here's the next question, how do you feel about having a best man or a best woman?" he asked and his fiance responded with "well I was planning on asking Luffy to be my best man" he said looking back to the cook before continuing "also isn't there a person who throws around flowers or something. I was thinking, if you are fine with it, letting Chopper do that" he said with a small smile. Sanji was honestly surprised by this. "Wow, I thought you said you didn't know anything about weddings" the cook said, now smirking. "I know a few things ok" the swordsman said flustered while the cook only chuckled. "I like that Idea. I was thinking of asking Nami to be my best woman" Sanji said "ok are we settled on this then the swordsman asked and the cook looked back at him writing it down and giving him a nod indicating yes. "Well that only leaves a few more things to settle but I think that's enough for now" the cook said yawning as he put away his notepad and pen and curled back into his fiance, resting against him like a pillow "well we should get some sleep...ya know this is the first time we can actually share a hammock" the swordsman said with his eyes closed starting to drift off "yea..your right" the cook said while also drifting off to sleep. They may be partially prepared for their nuptials but not for what laid ahead for both the couple as well as the rest of the crew. Meanwhile back on deck everyone else was enjoying a night under the stars, enjoying looking at all the constellations and continuing their conversations. Well, not everyone. Chopper and Law were still talking while Luffy was passed out, asleep in Law's lap, absolutely dead to the world. "Um...Law can I Ask you a personal question" Chopper asked in his sweet, innocent little voice not even Law could say no to. "Sure...I guess," he said, a little worried. "How come when Luffy said he wanted to get married you seemed like you did not want to. Do you not want to marry the captain?" Chopper asked; " was just caught off guard is all. I do want to marry him, and while I may be a former captain and warlord that doesn't make it any less nerve wracking" he replied to the little reindeer in honesty. "Oh...I get does this mean you and Luffy are going to have a wedding?" the tiny doctor asks, catching the surgeon off guard. " day" he replied while staring down at the sleeping lump in his lap with a small smile. "I think it's about time we all get some sleep" Law says, getting up, taking the sleeping captain in his arms, carrying him to the men's quarters, chopper not far behind them. This would also be their first time being able to share a hammock. Law removed his shoes and hat. He did the same for his sleeping captain before climbing into their hammock, settling down and falling asleep. After that everyone began to turn in for the night, well except for Brook since he had first watch, so he just continued with writing his song in the crows nest during his look out. Everyone was sleeping peacefully, forgetting that tomorrow they were all going to have a sit down talk and answer questions to clear everything up. Hopefully they were all prepared for the day to come. Boy, would tomorrow be a doozy, well not for Brook and Jinbe. At least two of the crew were in the clear. Little Chopper was pretty safe too. For now at least.  

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