Chapter 8

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Everyone had been given their jobs and what to stock up on when they were on the island waiting for the log pose to reset and give the directions to the Baratie. Nami then gave them all their allowances and they began to disembark the ship and make their way to the forest to sneak into the town. Everyone was gathered on the beach making their plans and when they should return back to the boat. Zoro and Sanji were going to stock up on things for the kitchen. Chopper also decided to tag along as he needed more ingredients for medicine and a few things to help with his research. Brook and Jinbei were going to look for something to wear for the wedding, Nami and robin were just going shopping and to look for a few books Robin had wanted. Franky and Usopp were going to look for parts for a new weapon they were working on. And Luffy and Law were going to spend the day on the beach guarding the ship and then go into town later after everyone else got back. The rest of the crew split up and went their separate ways to head into the town. They thought they had docked their ship somewhere secluded. Little did they know that they were there since the moment they had arrived.

Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper were the first to reach the town. They just gawked at the many stores and stalls that littered the town. Zoro was the first to notice that something was off. They were being followed. However, he did not sense that the people following them had bad intentions and were not dangerous. So, against his better judgment and just let it go. Sanji and Chopper had already started to walk away and head to the first stall where chopper was looking at different medicinal items and herbs. Sanji was also looking at herbs but not the kind you use for medicine obviously. Zoro joined them and they began their shopping.

Now back at the beach with Luffy and Law. Luffy had gotten one of the life preservers off of the boat and was about to attempt to swim before law had grabbed him and brought him back to their spot on the beach. They had been sitting and watching the ocean and Luffy had been making a sand castle while Law Watched with amusement. Luffy began working on his sand castle again while Law just sighed at his boyfriend's antics. After a while of working on his sand castle Luffy shot straight up and jerked his head toward the forest. This caused Law to do the same. "Luffy-ya, what is it?" he asked, noticing the rubber boy was now staring very intensely at one spot in the treeline of the forest. Luffy then responded saying "There are people in the woods. I think they are watching us" He said now in a more serious voice. "Law was now on alert with his hand on the hilt of his sword, waiting for the people that luffy had mentioned to attack. "Luffy, how many are there? He asked as Luffy's gaze began to not be so intense before he answered "There's only two and they don't seem like they want to hurt us. I think they need help" he said, now starting to loosen back up. Luffy began to slowly walk to the woodline while Law just stood there wondering what the hell that his boyfriend was doing. How could he know if they were dangerous or not. The next thing law knew there was a teenage girl running full force at Luffy before jumping toward him with arms wide open. She was too fast for Law to stop her but what she did and said shocked him and just confused Luffy. As she jumped toward him she wrapped her arms around him yelling "Dad!" and tackling Luffy into a hug while crying. Law began to run to the pair who were now on the ground as he got to them he began to try and get the girl off of Luffy while he just laid there dazed. As he was doing this another older girl came walking out of the woods and walking over to join everyone else. She sighed before saying "Lami I thought I told you to wait for the rest of the crew to get back and then we would talk to everyone together. Now they are gonna think we are going to attack them or something. And you've made them confused". "I'm sorry Cora but I just couldn't wait anymore I am scared and wanted dad and papa" she said Just confusing Law and luffy even more. Lami got off of Luffy allowing him to stand back up while Cora began talking to the two older pirates again. "I'm sorry for my sister, she gets a little nervous at times especially in our current situation" she said, making Law and Luffy look at each other in confusion before Cora continued. "You see we are a part of a pirate crew and I am their captain. We were sailing in the new world when we were attacked by another crew whose captain had devil fruit abilities. Had just touched us and we started disappearing and when we woke up we were here". Law and luffy could only think of one person that had those abilities and it was Kuma but they could have sworn that he was long dead. "Ok well what exactly do you mean by here" Law asked Cora still thinking about their names. Lami was his sister's name and Cora was what he had called Corazon when he was younger. This time Lami Responded "We mean a different time. This person sent us back to the past. Like really far back into the past" She said causing Luffy to light up with excitement "Awesome you guys can time travel. I wanna try, "he said, bouncing up and down with excitement. The two sisters just laughed before Lami spoke up saying "Papa was right you were pretty silly in the past" This prompted Law to ask a few questions. "If you don't mind me asking, could you introduce yourselves and tell us what crew you are a part of" The two sisters looked at each other and then began to speak. The older girl spoke up first "My name is Monkey D. Cora and this is my younger sister Monkey D. Lami and we are the captain and Co-captian/surgeon of the new Straw Hat Pirates" She said, causing Lami to speak as well "Our dads are some of the most feared pirates that have ever sailed the seas" she said proudly. Luffy was confused. Why did the older girl have his hat and why did she say they were a part of his crew. "What are you talking about you're not on our crew and why do you have my hat?" he questioned annoyingly. What Lami and Cora had just said also had him questioning things. They did say they were from the future. He probed them with even more questions. "Why did you call Luffy Dad and just who exactly are your parents? You both have some explaining to do" he said, causing the two to look slightly worried before Cora spoke up "We will explain in more detail later when our crew and your crew are all together so we don't have to repeat anything but I can answer a few of your questions but you may want to sit down what I am about to tell you is 100% true" both law and luffy sat down on the beach with the girls doing the same. "Ok so Our parents were known as the surgeon of death and the captain of the strawhat pirates in the past but in our time they are known as a former warlord of the sea and the pirate king. Our parents are both of you. When we saw Papa we are referring to you" she said as she pointed at a shocked law before speaking up again "And when we say dad we are referring to you" she said as she pointed to Luffy who was also in shock. Luffy was stupid but not this stupid. He understood everything the two girls were telling them. "Holy shit chopper was right" Law said in utter disbelief as he stared at the two girls, his daughters, in front of him. He then looked over to see Luffy, who was completely lost in thought. "Luffy-ya are you ok?" he asked but got no response as he started asking their kids more questions. "Is the rest of your crew with you?" Luffy asked while looking in Lamis direction "yes but they are out looking for the rest of your crew. We need to talk quickly, '' she said. However it wasn't long until Luffy had another question. "Who else is on your crew?" he asked in a flat tone. Cora answered this question. " well there's our first mate sora, our cook Kuina, Bachina our navigator, Bell-mére our sniper, Olvia who is an archaeologist/historian, Rouge our strategist, Hai our boatswain, Meishu our Doctor, Kakumei who helps when it comes to fighting, Makino who is one of our swordsman, Shinzo who cleans the ship, Kaizoku who does a little bit of everything, Tori our musician, Kira our ship log, Kodomo our scientist, Yami who's a clairvoyant, Modoku our informant, Shizen who is kinda like a spy, Mikan who is a botanist, Mitsurin who is an expert on animals, Hebi who can speak and translate tons of different languages, Doku is really good at sewing and making cloths, And lastly we have Kida who we usually use as a distraction most of the time" she finished leaving both of their dads in shock. Law had nothing to say but luffy on the other hand that's a different story. He suddenly shot up from where he was sitting, giving off an excited energy. "That's a large crew, my kids are so cool!! Let's go back to the sunny. I wanna hear more about the future" He said as he began walking back toward the ship. The girls smiled to one another and began to follow their dad back to the sunny. Law just sat there Stunned and thinking about the future. He had planned on proposing to Luffy but he never thought about kids and since he does in the future that means choppers research was correct. He got up and began to walk toward the sun with only one thought in mind: 'Chopper is gonna lose his mind'.

Speaking of the little doctor, he was still in town with Zoro and Sanji but they were at their last stop for the day before heading back to the sunny Sanji got the last few things that he needed for the kitchen and they began to leave the store only to be stopped by two young girls. "So you're the ones who have been following us. What do you want?" Zoro spoke up in a slightly annoyed tone. "We're sorry but we can't say much. We presume our captain and co-captain have already made their way to the sunny and have begun talking with your captain about our current situation but we need everyone there so will you please come with us back to the sunny" said one of the mysterious girls. Zoro didn't know what he was expecting, that was certainly not it. "Who are you and why should we take you back to our ship?" sanji said as he started to step closer to the girls. "I'm sorry but we can't tell you that just yet but please we need your help" she said starting to tear up "We want to go back home and the only way to do that is with your help" Sanji caved immediately when he saw the girl begin to cry. "Hey it's ok you can come back to the ship with us. We trust you now and we want to help. Chopper just stood there staring at the two girls. They had features that sort of resemble Zoro and Sanji which baffled him and he began to think back to his research but did not say a word. Zoro also went along with Sanji and agreed to take the girls back to the ship with them. He didn't know why but he felt a connection to the girls and that he needed to protect them no matter what. He just couldn't shake this feeling. They soon began their trek back to the sunny but now with two extra people.

Sanji was used to helping to keep Zoro from getting lost but at the moment both him and Chopper had their hands full. It appears that their two extra guests were also just as bad with directions as his fiance. He kept having to tell them which way to go until they had finally reached the sunny. The sight before the older pirates made them even more confused. There were their crew members on the beach and with them were also other people. Something definitely wasn't right. They made their way down to the beach and were about to start talking to the others when they heard their captain call out from the ship's deck. "Everyone come meet on the main deck. I have some people you need to meet" he exclaimed, smiling. Everyone stopped questioning one another and began to board the ship. As they did so all of the unknown people went to stand next to two other unknown people who were already on the deck. Law began to talk to the rest of the crew. "Don't worry. None of them want to harm us. They are gonna explain everything and we are going to help them get back home. The crew begin to sit around different spots on the deck but still together where they could understand everything. Luffy was the first to speak. "Everyone these are my kids" he said pointing at two of the girls, one younger and one older, near the right side of the ship. Everyone froze. Had they all just heard them right. Their captain somehow had secret kids. Now it was Law's turn to speak up "They are my kids as well but they are not from our time". He said trying to have a calming tone so the crew did not freak out and he continued "Their from the future". Luffy spoke once again announcing just who everyone was. "Guys these are the new Straw Hat Pirates". He said proudly with everyone just staring. Only one thought ran threw the current straw hat crew's minds: 'What the actual Fuck".

A/N- Hi everyone sorry for the bad grammer and any mistakes in my writing. I also want to know if anyone is still interested in this fanfic. I'm having a hard time getting the motivation to write and it's harder when it seems like no one is reading what I worked hard on. Just let me know if your still interested so I know if I should continue the fanfic or not.

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