Chapter 9

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They were all shocked to say the least. There in front of them stood the crew that would eventually take over the Sunny and sail under the title New Strawhat Pirates. Oh and not to mention some of them are their own kids and of course their captain was acting like this was a normal situation. The captain and his boyfriend seemed to be taking this very well while they just left their crew to sit there in shock. "Uh Luffy-ya I think we better let the kids explain everything before the rest of your crew dies from shock" Law said slightly smiling a little at how the crew was acting. "Shishishi that's probably a good idea" the captain said laughing before joining his cre sitting on the lower deck "ok so we should probably start off with introductions. I'll start. My name is Monkey D. Cora and beside me is my younger sister Monkey D. Lami. We are the captain and co-captain of our crew and our parents are your captain and The former captain of the Heart pirates." The slender tanned girl said. "Our crew was  traveling in the new world when we were attacked by another ship. Its captain was a devil fruit user. He managed to hit each of us and we ended up here in this time. We don't know where our ship is or how to get back and that's why we need your help. We knew there wasn't any other group of people who could get us back other than the original straw hat pirates and our family." She explained and watched as the crew became more softer and concerned than shocked. "Ok would the rest of the crew please introduce themselves" she said to the rest of her team with all responding with a yes captain before going down the line. "Hi" three of the girls said all at once and then gave a little laugh. The crew noticed they all looked similar and figured that they must be sisters. "The Girl with the puffy orange hair spoke up first "Sorry, my name is Bachina and these are my sisters Bell-mére and Kaya.'' The next to speak was the sister with the beautiful orange dreads "Im Bell-mére and i'm an inventor'' whereas my other sister, Bachina is the navigator" as she spoke the other sister seemed to be lost in thought before her sister elbowed her side. "Ow bell-mére that hurt" She responded before noticing it was her turn to speak "Hehe my bad" she said with a smile. I'm Kaya and I'm the crew's sniper she stated proudly before letting their other sister take the reins again. "Our parents are the Navigator and Sniper from your crew" she said, causing everyone to turn to look at Usopp and Nami who were now both as red as a tomato. They had not been together long and now they are finding out they have kids together in the future. Before the other crew could ask any questions their captain spoke up "Let everyone properly introduce themselves and then ask questions". See Luffy can be smart sometimes. The next to introduce themselves was a much older girl with long blue/teal hair and what looks like robotic parts. "My name is Nico Olvia and I'm a historian and archaeologist like my mother and also help with ship repairs since my dad made the ship." No one needed to guess who her parents were after her introduction. Next were two girls who were also older than the rest of their crew. "My name is Portgas D. Rouge and this is my sister Portgas D. Hai." she said looking at the other girl beside her. "I'm Portgas D. Hai my older sister is a strategist while I am mainly in charge of the equipment and supplies on the ship. I am also a devil fruit user. I ate the Hai Hai no Mi or the Ash Ash Fruit. It allows me to generate, manipulate and transform into ash." she stated more bluntly as her older sister took over "Our Parents are Portgas D. Ace and Smoker". Now this is the one that shocked the crew the most. Smoker with Luffy's Brother?! Luffy was so confused but waited patiently till everyone would be done with their introductions to ask questions. The older of the two spoke up again "Cora, Lami, Shouldn't you tell them about your devil fruits." she said looking back up the line at her captain and co-captain "Oh that's a good Idea" Lami Said before continuing "I'll go first. I ate the Suke Suke no Mi or the Clear Clear Fruit which allows me to turn myself or whatever I touch invisible." she said before Loofy cut in "That's so cool. What's yours?" he asked as he stood in front of Cora with stars in his eyes "well I ate the Bisha Bisha no Mi or the Wet Wet Fruit. It allows me to create and control water" she said as luffy beamed with pride "Traffy Our kids are so cool" he said bouncing back over to his lover who restrained him and sat down before he could interrupt again. "Ok who was next?" Cora asked the crew. "That would be us" a girl with short blonde hair said "My name is Monkey D. Meishu and I am the ship's Doctor and Lami is a surgeon. This is my older sister" she  said pointing to the girl beside her " My name is Monkey D. Kakumei and I at the Kaze Kaze no Mi or the Wind Wind Fruit which allows me to create, control, and transform into wind. Kaya has a similar devil fruit ability which she forgot to mention" Kakumei Stated bluntly looking back up the line at Kaya who only stuck her tongue out at her older crewmember and friend. "Kaya at the Ara Ara no Mi fruit which allows her to control and manipulate the weather. Back to me and our sister. We may have the same names as Cora and Lami but we do not share the same parents." Kakumei said letting Meishu take the lead again. "Our parents are the revolutionaries Sabo and Monkey D. Dragon." she satiated this time sending poor Luffy into shock. This day could only get weirder. Next up was a bright red haired girl in all black "I guess it's my turn. My name is Dracule Makino and I'm a swordsman. Oh and my parents are Dracule Mihawk and Red Haired Shanks." she said smiling. This almost sent zoro and Luffy over the edge. Poor fellas had no Idea what was still yet to come. The next to Speak was a girl with short rust colored hair. "My name is Tori and these are my sisters Kaizoku and Shinzo. Shinzo is the oldest but is mute. She helps clean the ship and my other sister helps out with mostly everything whereas I am the ship's musician. I also ate the Chui Chui no Mi fruit. This allows me to make music notes and these music notes float in the air and can make sounds and with enough practice can even be used to play different music from different genres. These notes can also be used as weapons by increasing the sound,making tons of notes to make constructs and blast,and even mimic different elements. These notes can change color depending on the attack; these notes can be lethal if used correctly." she explained making the crew stare at her with amazement. "Before Tori gets us off track, I'm Kaizoku and our parents are Penguin and Shachi from the former Heart Pirates" This one caught Law's attention. He was happy for his old crewmates and couldn't help but smile to himself so no one would see. Next was another bright red haired girl and a blonde with scars on her face. The red haired girl began to speak. "My Name is Kira and i'm the ship log and I ate the Bari Bari no Mi or the Barrier Barrier Fruit which allows me to generate Barriers." she said in an annoyed tone. "Sorry about my sister, she's not a people person" said the older of the two. The other just scoffed. "My name is Kodomo and I am a scientist. I also ate the Dani Dani no Mi or the Time Time Fruit which allows me to stop time but not for very long. Our parents are two of the supernovas and some of the strongest pirates on the sea. Our parents are Kid and Killer." the older blonde said, moving right along. Next was a girl with pink hair and dressed in all black. "There are quite a lot of us and we know you have questions so I will be quick and the rest should be quick as well" she said, giving the rest of the crew that had not introduced themselves goosebumps. "My name is Yami and I am a clairvoyant. My mother is Perona." She said quickly moving on to the others. Next was another girl with pink hair but in a darker hue. "My name is Vinsmoke Modoku and I am an informant. My mother is Vinsmoke Reiju and I ate the Atsu Atsu no Mi or the Blink Blink Fruit. This devil fruit allows me to blink in and out of existence" she said with efficiency. Sanji couldn't believe that his future niece was standing there in front of him. He was happy that his sister had finally found someone and was happy. They continued on with introducing themselves. Next up was another girl who seemed very confident in herself. "My name is Shizen and I'm usually the sneakiest of the crew so I tend to be the spy. I ate the Bai Bai no Mi or the Time Time fruit and I can exchange anything I have with the belongings of another person. My mother is the revolutionary Koala." she said quickly and straight to the point. Next is an older girl with blue hair that is pinned up. "My name is Mikan and I'm a botanist. My mother Is Nojiko." she said. Nami shed a few tears knowing her sister is ok in the future and that their kids would grow up together. Lastly were a group of 4 men, which the crew assumed that they were brothers. The oldest brother was the one to speak up first. "Hello, my name is Kida Hancock and I'm usually used as a distraction. I am the oldest of four brothers and I ate the Viso Viso Fruit or the Bijo Bijo no Mi which allows me to ''phantomize" or create illusionary images, of any picture or Thing that I touch. Our mother is Boa Hancock." he said moving on to the next brother who was covered in tattoos with a mesh shirt. "I'm Doku Hancock and I am a tailor." The next was another boy with mid length black hair as well as tattoos. "My name is Hebi Hancock and I am a linguist. I also ate the Bana Bana no Mi which allows me to turn my jealousy into heat and flames which I can use to fight." Lastly was the youngest of the brothers "My name is Mitsurin Hancock and I am a Zoologist." he said which seemingly tied up the introductions "Wait. what about us" said two blonde girls at the end of the line. Cora just shrugged and said "oops" allowing the two girls to now introduce themselves. The first girl to speak was covered in scars all over her body which looked like they had come from swords. "My name is Roronoa Sora and I'm a swordsman as well as the captain and co-captains 1st mate." Now the other girl spoke up "My name is Roronoa Kuina and I am the ships cook and our parents are the famous swordsman Roronoa Zoro and the greatest cook on the sea Roronoa Sanji" she said. Zoro and Sanji were frozen in place. Well that was until everyone heard a loud thud and noticed that Zoro had Passed out and Sanji standing Speechless looking down at his fiance.

    Chopper was able to wake up and re-explain what had just happened to the green haired swordsman who was still shaken at what he had heard. After everything was settled Luffy had told the crew that they could ask questions with Law stating that it needed to be orderly so as to not overwhelm the younger crew. The first to ask questions was Robin "Olvia, what happened to you" she asked "I was in an accident when I was younger working on my first invention and let's just say I learned that I am not that good with technology like dad" she answered walking over to sit with her parents past selves. "Hey it's ok engineering isn't for everyone but you're still SUPER!" Franky says trying to reassure his future daughter "Thanks dad" she said catching the cyborg off guard but still made him and the raven haired archaeologist happy that their future looked bright and that they would still be together. Luffy and Law were talking separately with their children with Luffy also asking Ace and Sabo's kids tons of questions as well. While the rest of the crew were all sitting together on the grassy deck asking their future kids and the others questions as well. Nami and Usopp were the ones with the most questions. "So how old are all of you?" Usopp asked, trying to break the ice. Bachina was the one to answer this question that would almost get their fathers past self killed. "We are all the same age. We are triplets all born on March 18th." she stated punctually. "D-d-did you say triplets?" Nami stuttered as Usopp turned pale. "Yup we come as a set" Bell-mére said smiling. Nami then turned to face Usopp while standing up "Usopp" she said in a deep stern voice "Y-y-yes Nami" he began to stutter "Run" she said as the chase started with Usopp Running around the ship with Nami close behind him. "Um what did we just do?" Kaya asked, looking at her toward her two other sisters who just shrugged as he watched their parents' past selves run around the ship like crazy people. The rest of the crew just looked at them and then went back to talking to their Future Kids. Zoro and Sanji were now sitting with Sora, Kuina, and Modoku. They weren't even married yet and here they are sitting with their future children and niece. "So which of you is the oldest?" Sanji asked his future daughters. We're Twins so only one of us is a little bit but we are the same age" Sora replied. This did not shake the swordsman and cook as bad as the crew's navigator and sniper. "Are you our only kids?" Zoro asked. It was Kuina's Turn to answer his question. "Yes at the moment we are your only two kids" Kuina replied with Zoro tuning slightly paler from the way she said 'as of now'. "Wait you can't forget about..."Sora started to say just as the little reindeer, who had been talking to Meishu about doctor stuff, came walking over to meet and talk to them. As they both saw him walking over they jumped and tackled him into a hug laughing which caught everyone's attention. "Brother Chopper" they both screamed as they hugged him. "What are you talking about!?" the little reindeer said hysterically. "BROTHER!?" He just yelled questioningly. The two girls began to get off of the small doctor and take their seats again to calm him down. All The crew could do was watch. "Well you're not technically our brother because we aren't blood related but you call our dad dad as well" Sora satiated causing the swordsman and the little reindeer to blush profusely. Everyone who was watching the spectacle could only laugh at the two but also smile at how cute the little makeshift family was. As the others were laughing The little doctor ran and shut himself in his office while Zoro just stood up and tried to walk away only saying one thing before beginning to walk toward the Kitchen "I'm gonna need more booze"he said and indeed with the storm beginning to roll in he would in fact definitely need more booze.

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