Chapter 11

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A/N- sorry this isn't a very long chapter but I want to get back to this story and try to finish it I am just having a hard time writing longer chapters but I am going to keep trying. Enjoy!!

The girls were quickly ushered into the kitchen, sat at the table, and just stared as their father's past self was pacing back and forth, still not saying a word. Sanji felt so stupid and so scared. He remembered all the experiments he was put through for the sake of the germa army. He never knew what they were doing to him but he still remembered every single one, with each one being worse than the last. Thats when he finally stopped pacing and just began to stare off into the distance out the small kitchen window. This fiancee nor his future children still did not utter a word not wanting to push the cook over the edge and off and into the brink of no return as they could sense how scared he was. The cook continued to stare out the window lost in painful memories and thoughts. He should have known his dad would try to make use of him somehow and if he couldn't be a weapon of destruction then he would be used to create more now that his mother was gone. The realization and thought hit him hard as he began to shake and cry. This is when Zoro knew something was very wrong and approached the cook with delicacy. As he made his way to the cook he noticed how much worse the shaking had gotten and before he knew the chef's legs buckled underneath him and he dropped to the ground. He was still very much conscious be he was no longer on the sunny. Hi was back in the dungeon of the germa kingdom waiting for the next excruciation experiment.

Once Zoro realised that Sanji was about to go down he rushed over and caught the cook easing him to the floor. He could tell something was seriously wrong and yelled at the girls "One of you go get copper quick but don't make a scene." sora got up and rushed out the door while kuina sat there frozen with anxiety. She had never seen her dad like that in her entire life until now and it scared her. She had always seen them both as tough and indestructible but never like this. On the edge of breaking. She closed her eyes and tried to remember that these were her parents when they were younger and things or people are different and grow with time She calmed herself back down in time before Sora came back into the room with his medical bag rushing towards the cook. No one noticed because of the chaos of the situation and adrenaline but the young doctor was also afraid and slowly tears started to form in his eyes they were counting on him as a doctor right now and he could not let them see him cry. "Zoro what happened?" the small reindeer asked in concern trying to get a better understanding of the situation. I don't know. I said something about how I was happy that we had kids in the future and how they looked so much like us even though they were adopted and then it's like something snapped. He called the girls in here, started pacing, stared out the window, and began to shake then started to fall" he recalled the event as he held the cook in a close embrace as he was still shaking and crying. "Sanji can you hear me? Are you alright? Is there anything you can tell me?" the doctor asked worriedly. The cook never answered. He just remained in a state of fear and anxiety making the little reindeer realize just what was going on as he had a brief flashback of Whole Cake Island and what Sanji had told them about his family. Before Chopper could try and explain to Zoro what was going on without revealing too much about the cook's family Sanji stopped crying as well as shaking and went limp in the swordsman's arms. "He's ok he just passed out," Chopper said as he could see the terror in all of their eyes as they stared. "Sora, Kuina I think you may want to go back and be with the others while Zoro and Take Sanji to the infirmary. He's going to be fine so no need to worry." chopper said while Chopper packed up his medical bag and Zoro lifted the cook into his arms. The girls made their way out of the kitchen and back to the deck while Zoro and Chopper snuck quietly to the infirmary.

When they got there they laid the cook down on the bed while Zoro and Chopper had a little talk about the current situation. "Zoro....he is going to be fine physically but something happened when we were at Whole Cake Island. Memories were brought up and he told us about his family." the shopper said looking at the floor and failing to keep the tears back. "I know he told me that his dad was evil and so were his siblings except for his sister and his mom but he said his mom died trying to protect him and his siblings. He has already told me this but he seemed fine what would that have to do with this and how would Sora and Kuina factor into this" the swordsman asked desperately. Chopper cleared his throat before speaking again "I wish I could tell you but it is not my story to tell. You need to hear it from him. We were not even supposed to know the full extent of it but things happened and there wasn't a way of avoiding it." Zoro noticed the small tremble in the Little Reindeer's voice. What did he mean by the full extent of what had happened? He sat there staring at his lover plotting revenge on whoever caused him this much pain. He would bring them to their knees if it was the last thing that he ever did. Its like the doctor could read minds as he spoke up "these people are very powerful and very deranged. He can't lose you." he said causing the swordsman to stop seeing red for the moment and try and focus on helping the cook. As they sat there in silence both staring at the floor Sanji started to stir prompting the doctor to tell the swordsman that he would leave them alone as he exited the infirmary and headed off to find Sora and Kuina to tell them the same thing only a little less revealing this time. 

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