chapter 7

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 It had been a few weeks and the crew had finally reached their last stop before arriving at the Baratie for the wedding. Sanji had been writing to Zeff as they got closer and closer to the famous sea restaurant. The crew were growing more excited by the day for the wedding and seeing their family and friends. However, Zoro and Sanji were nervous wrecks. Law and Chopper had been acting strange as well. They had been staying in choppers lab for most of their free time which they always just dismissed as them doing research. The crew was so excited though and there was such an energetic and joyful atmosphere on the Thousand Sunny that they never questioned what the surgeon of death and the tiny reindeer were really up to. The only one bothered by them spending so much time with each other was luffy who was missing his boyfriend's attention.

They docked on a more private side of the island to protect as well as better hide the Sunny. They believed that this side of the island was just jungle and uninhabited but they are soon going to find out that there are some rather strange people on this side of the island and these people seem to know the crew like they were family.

As they docked and anchored the ship the girls once again began to bug Sanji about his suit for the wedding as the subject had been brought up in conversation by brook mentioning that him and Jinbe would be looking for something to wear on this island. Sanji had once again been backed into a corner of the kitchen by both women staring at him with a devious smile. "So, Sanji about your suit" Nami began before being cut off by the cook saying "I told you guys already that I want to make it a surprise". The cook was becoming frustrated by them asking what he was gonna wear or for them to at least give them a hint. "Sanji, may we please see your outfit. We want to make sure we do not overshadow you with our dresses and since Ms.navigator is the maid of Honor we should make sure that your outfits go together as well" robin stated. Sanji finally caved in and decided to let the girls in on his little secret. "Ok, ok, I will let you see what i'm wearing" he said walking with the girls to where he had hidden the dress. "Wait, we need to see it on you" Nami said as she rushed off to grab her own dress. "Ok now wait just a second" the cook began. "If I need to try on my outfit then I want to see all of the crew except for zoro in his. I have no idea what those idiots gotta wear and I want to make sure everyone looks nice ''Sanji started thinking about how horrendous all of the other male crew members' outfits may be compared to Robin and Nami's. "I agree there is no telling what they may have gotten. Show me and Nami your clothing first and we will see how it looks with Nami's dress and then we will gather the rest of the crew. Myself and Nami will be the only ones to make sure Zoro's choice in suit and Luffy's do not clash." Robin agreed as Nami yelled for them to come to the girls quarters to try on their clothing so they made their way there.

As they entered the girls room they could see that Nami had her dress and was getting ready behind a screen. She noticed they were in the room now and spoke up. "Sanji, you can use our restroom to get changed" she said before asking Robin to help zip up her dress. Sanji was nervous to show the girls as he was worried about what they might say about him wearing a dress and not a suit. Still he said he would show them and he couldn't let two beautiful lady's down so he began to undress and slip into the dress. Luckily he did not have to ask for help as he was able to reach everything himself. After he was in the dress all he could do was stand and look in the mirror with surprise and anxiousness like he did in the fitting room of the store he had got it in. He must have been in there longer than he thought because he soon heard Robin's gentle voice "Are you ok in there Cook-san" she asked through the door. This broke the cook out of his trance and he began to pull hsi dress down and make himself presentable "Yes, sorry I was just lost in thought. Are you ready for me to come out now?" he asked which Nami responded to with a loud yes and Robin with just a giggle. "Ok close your eyes" he said as he opened the door and began to step out. Both women covered their eyes as the cook was now fully standing in front of them now. "Ok, you can open your eyes" he almost hesitated to say. When the girls opened their eyes they were in shock. There in front of them stood the cook decked out in a traditional style wedding dress. Both women were in shock at how stunning the cook looked in his short white dress. Nami immediately shot up from sitting on one of the beds and squealed. "OMG Sanji you look amazing. Why didn't you want to show us sooner" Nami said, now circling the cook and gawking at how amazing the cook's dress was and how good he looked in it. "I was nervous as to what you guys might say. I thought that Zoro might like it" Sanji said, his face was now just about beat red. Nami and Robin felt sad for a few seconds before releasing the last part of what the cook had said and both of their eyes lit up. "Cook-san Zoro will be happy. You look stunning" robin said causing the cook to blush harder than he already was. "Zoro is gonna freak" Nami said causing Sanjin to panic for a second before she responded with "In a good way though. I bet you he may even cry" she said puffing her chest out in confidence. The thought of seeing the stoick swordsman cry because of how good he looked made him happy. He already knew he would be a crying mess but thought Zoro would be the one to not cry and be a rock for him but now he is second guessing himself on that one. "Ok, Ms.navigator now let's get everyone except for Zoro and Sanji in their clothes for the wedding so we can make sure that the boys didn't buy anything ridiculous" Robin said, going to get her dress and change behind the screen that Nami had changed behind. "That's a great idea robin. It will be like a fashion show. Also there is no telling what they bought and this is our last stop so if those idiots need to get something new we need to do it on this island" she stated before sanji walked back in the bathroom to change. He quickly slipped out of the wedding dress and carefully put it back in its bag and left the restroom.

As he exited the bathroom he noticed the girls were no longer in their shared bedroom. He quickly exited their room and hid his dress back in its original hiding spot. He ventured his way to the main deck and saw Nami and Robin on the balcony by the kitchen door yelling at the crew while still wearing her dress "Ok everyone but zoro get your wedding attire on and then meet back on the main deck" she yelled causing the crew to jump into action. Sanji just chuckled at the crews antics as he joined Nami on the upper deck. "Thanks Nami" he said giving her a fond smile. He didn't notice at first but zoro had come up the steps quietly and was now standing beside him "uh, is everything ok? Why does everyone need to put their suits on?" Zoro asked causing Sanji and Nami to slightly jump. Before Sanji could speak up and answer his fiances question Nami had already begun speaking "There is no telling what those dingbats bought to wear and if it is something stupid they will have to go with me and robin to get something new and this is our last stop before we reach the baratie so they will have to get it here". "I think they will be fine," Zoro said, looking over to Sanji with a questioning look. "Did you happen to see what any of the got. You all went to the same place right?" Sanji tried to answer his fiance while also making sure to come off as un-abrasive while asking if they were supervised while looking for clothes. "Yea we all went to the same place but I was the last one to find a suit so I never saw what they bought '' he said now beginning to worry they may have gotten something horrendous looking, especially luffy. The swordsman never really worried about looks but he knew this was important to Sanji and it was important for him as well and he just wanted to make everything perfect for the cook. They soon realized that Robin was nowhere to be found but soon found out where she was as they made their way to the bottom deck. "Ok robin is everyone ready" Nami shouted "Yes Navigator-san I will start sending them out" she responded before Announcing who was coming out first "The first to come out are law and luffy" she said as the couple walked out onto the bottom deck. Law and luffy walked out with their arms linked together with luffy grinning like an idiot and law, surprisingly, had a small smile on his face. Zoro, Nami, and Sanji were all surprised by how coordinated Luffy's outfit looked. They all thought that law must have helped him. Luffy was wearing a dark red suit with a matching tie and a black undersuit while law had on the other hand had on a detailed black vest with a long sleeve white undershirt as well as skinny black dress pants and black tie. They both looked amazing and got the couples, and Nami's, approval. The next to come out were Franky and robin. Robin had on a gorgeous dark blue dress while Franky had on quite an interesting suit. Franky's suit was short sleeved with shorts the top was covered in a hawaiian print while the rest was black. Somehow, by the grace of god, it actually looks really nice and they also earned the seal of approval from the three. Next to come out was Ussop in a very nice dark green suit with a light brown tie. Nami was stunned. He looked REALLY good and their outfits matched. Zoro and Sanji laughed as they noticed the pair blushing at how eachother looked. They were also both shocked at the fact that Franky's Hawaiian suit actually looked pretty good. The last to come out was little chopper in a brilliant orange suit with a light yellow undershirt and black bowtie as well as a little fabric flower pinned to his suit. Everyone couldn't help but coo at how cute the little reindeer looked. Sanji and Zoro just looked at the little reindeer lovingly then back to one another with a smile.

"Everyone looks amazing" sanji said making everyone smile. "You did good men" Zoro said which made them laugh. "Ok everyone get back into your clothes and we will head into the island's main town" Nami said before turning her attention to Brook and Jinbei. "You two go on ahead and find something to wear and we will meet back up in town" she said as she began to walk back to her and Robins room to change. The crew dispersed to get changed back into their everyday clothes which left just Sanji and Zoro on the deck. "It's starting to feel really real" Sanji said making Zoro let out a half nervous and half amused laugh "it sure is isn't it" he said before kissing his fiance before they went their separate ways on the ship to get ready to dead out and explore the island and restock on supplies. Little did they know they were about to have some unexpected passengers on their journey back to the baratie.

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