Chapter 3

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 As talked about the previous day, after waking up the crew prepared to have their meeting to sort things out in better detail. The chef awoke in the warm embrace of his fiance. If it were up to him they would stay like for the rest of the day but unfortunately duty calls and soon his captain would be awake and demanding breakfast so off to the kitchen he went, not even facing the sleeping swordsman beside him. "That damn moss-head could sleep through anything" he grumbled on his way to the kitchen. He proceeded to make breakfast as the sun began to rise and one by one each of the crewmates began to file into the kitchen one by one, all mostly half asleep but still prepared with plenty of questions.

The night before most of the crew had stayed up and wrote up their questions to be asked at the next day's meeting. The only one who didn't really have any questions was Jinbei, who was also fairly calm throughout all of this. Honestly he may be the only sane crewmember left at this point. Moving on, the first one to arrive was none other than the marimo himself who, although he was tired and not a morning person usually, decided to help set the table while his fiance finished cooking. The next to come in we're Nami andRobin, followed by Usopp, Chopper, Franky, and Brook. The last two to join everyone in the dining area were the captain and Law. This surprised the crew slightly as Luffy was usually the first one to be in the kitchen wanting food. However, since the previous day had been so odd nobody gave it much of a second thought.

Now that everyone was here and seated the cook began to serve everyone their meals. Mostly everyone was seated in their same spots as usual. A few rearrangements have been made. Robin was seated beside Franky, Usopp beside Nami, Luffy beside Law, and Sanji took his seat beside Zoro after serving everyone. Chopper, brook, and Jinbei occupied the remaining seats. Before everyone bombarded each other with all of their questions they all took the time to enjoy their breakfast in peace. After all of them seemed to be finishing their breakfast, like the day before, Nami was the first to speak up and start the conversation and get things in order. With that their meeting began.

Nami stood up in her spot and cleared her throat getting everyone's attention before finally speaking, "ok everyone, like we discussed yesterday we are going to clear things up a little more but we are going to do this in a civilized fashion. We will each go around the table and have a turn to ask our questions. Is that clear" she said ending on a slightly stern note. Everyone just shook their heads in agreement. "Good now I think we should do this in order of age. That seems like the only fair way. So, Brook, you're up first." nami said, taking her seat once again. Brook didn't even bother saying anything else as he followed nami's lead asking the only question he had. Of course this was directed to the soon to be newlyweds. "Yohohoho thank you Nami but I only have one question and that's would be for our resident swordsman and chef" he said turning his head in their direction. Both Zoro and Sanji knew that the first questions of the meeting would most likely be for them so while this did not surprise them, however the question itself did as they had not even begun to think that far ahead. "I would be honored if you would allow me to play the music for your wedding?" he asks them, surprising them both. They both exchanged looks and smiled at one another. Sanji spoke up to answer the question "yes, thank you brook that would be lovely" he says still smiling. "Ok, next up is jinbei," Nami says looking in his direction. "I don't have any questions. However I do wish to congratulate you on all of your relationships" he says calmly with everyone with a small smile all saying a thank you in return. "Well that was easy, Franky it's your turn" nami once again says gesturing toward Franky. "Super! I have a question for Zoro and Sanji as well" he says, once again not surprising the couple once again "ok franky shoot" Zoro says to the cyborg. "Cool! Do you and sanji-bro have any plans for your wedding yet?" he asked, making the couple blush. Zoro responds with a single word saying "some" while Sanji proceeds to give a little more detail. "We have decided on the location and the guest list" he says before zoro finishes by saying "and now the music" he says smiling making brook chuckle. "That's super!" Franky states quite loudly before turning to usopp and speaking "also congrats usopp-bro! That confession took some courage bro!" he says slapping usopp on the back laughing causing Usopp to turn as red as a tomato. The crew continued asking each other questions and each other questions until, eventually, everyone had asked their questions.

Since everyone was done with their questions they all began to get up and make plans for their next stop. However there were just a few more questions that needed to be asked but not necessarily by a single person. Before everyone could leave the couple that started it all asked everyone to come back to their seats for a second because they had some questions that they needed to ask together. The crew sat back down only slightly confused waiting for the couple's questions. "Well earlier we said we had a few wedding plans made and this has to do with that" the swordsman said before letting his fiance take the rest. "We have a guest list but we also have another list" said the chef. The crew just looked at one another then back at the couple. "There are some people we need if they are willing," Zoro said before letting Sanji, once again take over from there. "Well, moss-head over here doesn't really know about wedding but I do so I informed him on what a wedding party is, and no Luffy before you ask it's not an actual party" the cook said looking in their captains direction whose expression immediately displayed disappointment making the others let out a small chuckle. "Don't be disappointed yet Luffy, I gotta ask you something" Zoro said smiling as their captain suddenly became excited again. "Well I'm gonna need a best man, are you up for the job?" Zoro asks, making the captain absolutely thrilled. "I don't know what that is but im in" he said enthusiastically causing the whole crew to burst out in laughter while Law could only shake his head, secretly hiding his laughter. "Well since that's settled I guess that i'm next. However I don't need a best man" he said making the crew confused "I need a best woman" he said continuing with his question "Nami would you do the honors?" he asked, shocking the navigator who was now on the brink of tears "Yes!" she said just as enthusiastically as Luffy. "Well only one more thing to take care of. Zoro, I think you should ask this one" the chef smiled at his fiance letting the swordsman have the last question. "Well, one of the things I knew about weddings was there's usually someone who throws flowers and shit" he said, earning an elbow to the side from his fiance for the way we started the question. "Well Chopper I think you should do it" he said and the little reindeer could not have been happier. While Nami had been on the verge of tears after being asked to be the best woman, the small doctor was crying while nodding his head. The chef chuckled before saying "well I guess everything is settled then" thus prompting everyone to get up and begin their jobs for the day to get ready for the next island. This next stop would prove to be very interesting as well as chaotic.

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