Chapter 6

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*About 3 years ago*

Skylor's POV

"Mom, Dad, you don't have to look at me like that," I tell them. They are both turned around in the car looking at me with massive grins. Both of their eyes are a bit wide, and I can't help but smile.

"We're just looking at our amazing daughter who has her first table read! We're so proud of you. It's for Ninjago too! Everyone loves that show. Especially us."

"Not only is it a role, but a big role too!" my mom grins from ear to ear, her scarlet hair pulled up in a ponytail just like mine. "I know we already asked you a ton of questions about that cast party you went to, but we won't be able to help ourselves after today either. We're just so happy for you."

"I know you are, and it makes me happy that you two are so invested. You didn't have to get off of work to drive me here, but you did. I appreciate it," I give them both a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I better get going. I can't be late on my first day."

"Good idea. We love you. Tell us if anything exciting happens," my mom says as I get out of the car. I give her a grateful smile, grab my purse, and close the door.

Once I walk into the area with all of the studio buildings, I get shivers all over my body. I've been to places like this plenty of times, but not in this scenario. I've always just been a stunt double, someone who you can't pick out of a crowd. This time is different though. I wasn't cast just to be a body, but to actually act as a seasonal lead. It's so surreal.

There are arrows with the words "Ninjago" written above them to direct people where to go. They rent out about half of the studios here for this show, turning the empty rooms into various elaborate sets. This season, however, we're actually going to fly out to an island owned by Chen Hall, the man who is going to play my father on the show and a highly esteemed actor.

The arrows take me to a door of one of the industrial looking buildings. Inside, I follow even more arrows, which I must admit are very helpful, and find myself in a large room. All around the edge of the room are tables, forming a big rectangle with a hollow middle. Each table has several seats, and at each seat, there is a name tag of the character's name with the actor's name under it.

A decent amount of people are in the room, several of which I recognize as the other new elementals that I met at the cast party. While a lot of people couldn't show up to the one this year, the cast party allowed some of the other new actors and me to get more comfortable, especially with each other. We're all doing this for the first time, and it's good to stick together.

Only a few members of the main cast of the show are here, none of which are the ninja. Wu, Misako, and Garmadon are all sitting next to each other at one of the tables behind their place cards. Dareth is also sitting off to the side eating some Taco Bell.

My parents and siblings are absolutely in love with the show. While I was busy training and practicing to be a stunt double, the two of them were always watching Ninjago. Over the years, I've been familiarized with the characters because of it. While I hadn't watched the full series before I was cast for this role, I decided to watch it to know what I was going into.

All of the hype the show gets is well deserved. The storylines and visuals are consistently strong throughout the series, gradually getting even better over time. The acting is also really well done, and the characters all have distinct personalities.

"Skylor, your seat is right there," Tory, going to be Tox on the show, points over at my seat. I thank her, complimenting her hair that she got freshly died for the role, and sit down.

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