Chapter 12

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long again. Here's a randomly really long chapter to make up for it!

*1-2ish years ago*

Harumi's POV

I nervously stand at the door to the Montgomery household, a box of chocolates in my hands as a gift. Even though I've already met both Misako and Garmadon, I don't want to show up empty handed. They are welcoming me into their little family tradition after all.

Their house is absolutely giant. It should be expected considering every single member of their family has been in one of the biggest tv shows ever, but it still catches me off guard every time I see it. With its grand emerald green exterior and golden accents for all of the windowsills and doorways, their signature colors carry over.

I bring my hand to their door, admiring the gold swirls, before knocking with the hand that isn't holding the chocolates. I stand, awkwardly rocking back and forth, before the youngest Montgomery opens the door. Liam stands, his blonde hair messy on the top of his head, before giving me a quick glance over. It looks like he just woke up, and it's already noon.

His eyes wake up at the box in my hand, "Chocolates? Please tell me that those are for all of us to share," he pleads, bringing his hands together and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. It's a gift to you all for letting me join you today," I tell my boyfriend's 13-year-old brother who lets out a cheer that he quickly tries to conceal.

"Oh, you didn't need to, Harumi. You're always welcome here without a gift," Misako pops out of the doorway of an adjacent room. A bowl of popcorn is in her hands. The strong, salty aroma of freshly popped popcorn follows it, immediately making me hungry.

Last night was the season 8 premier (season 9 will be released in a few months even though we already filmed it), and since they don't let us view the season in advance, the Montgomerys always binge it the day after it comes out. Gathering together, they get a variety of snacks and hunker down to watch their family shine on the screen.

This time, they were kind enough to invite me to join them. It will not only be my first time partaking in any of their traditions, but it will also be my first time watching myself in any major role. They're such a talented family, so I just hope that they aren't appalled by my performance.

"It's definitely appreciated though," Liam happily lightens my load. Once he grabs the box of chocolates, he disappears down the hallway, most likely to their little in-home theater.

"He tries to be quippy, but he's still a kid at heart," Misako shakes her head. "It's great to see you, Harumi. Lloyd is down in the theater getting the projector synced up to his computer. I don't know what we would do without him and his tech skills. Garmadon tried to get the projector set up for over an hour yesterday."

"If it makes him feel any better, I probably wouldn't have done any better," I joke. "Do you need help with anything?"

Misako glances behind her, "Liam was supposed to take the extra bowl of popcorn on the table, but he got a bit distracted once you came. Can you carry it to the theater?"

"Of course," I walk over to the table in the side room, grabbing the bowl and walking back to Misako.

"How did your dad enjoy last night? It was his first time at an event like that, right?" she strikes up a conversation as we make our way down the corridor.

"Yes, it was. He absolutely loved it. He and Hudson actually teared up when they saw my face on the screen. Plus, he really enjoyed meeting you and Garmadon," I share.

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