Chapter 3

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*about 4 years ago*

Kai's POV

I stand off to the side of the set, behind their fancy equipment. The entire block, and the blocks surrounding it, are all closed off to make sure no one is close to our filming. It's night time, the stars twinkling above us, but there's plenty of fancy lighting to make sure we can be seen clearly by the camera.

The past day, the guys and I have gotten time off. In the episode we're currently filming, the ninja all get turned into children, so none of us are needed. Instead, they found children that look alarmingly like us to play the small ninja, about eight or nine years old.

"I can't wait to see how this comes out," Jay says from next to me. "Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's night time."

"Don't question my methods, Gordon. I look cool," I adjust my sunglasses over the bridge of my nose. He raises his slitted eyebrow at me, amused.

"Cool is one word for it," Cole adds, making Jay laugh next to me. His shoulders shake under his gi.

"You won't be making fun of me when my wonderful fashion choices score me a hot girlfriend."

"Nah, I still think we will," Jay claps his hand on my shoulder before walking off, probably to say something to Nya before the scene starts.

"Zane, do you like my sunglasses?" I ask him, crossing my arms.

"They are an interesting choice, but I think it fits you well," Zane informs me, and I choose to take it as a compliment.

As the set finishes getting ready, the actors in this scene all enter the comic book shop that's set up. Little versions of us, the man who is playing Mother Doomsday, a lot of random children, and Liam all start filming, doing some sort of comic book trivia thing.

"I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Last season had good special effects, but with this increased budged, it'll be insane," Cole whistles, his arms crossed just like mine.

Due to the show's increasing success, not only did it get extreme increases in funding, but we all experienced extreme increases in our paychecks, something I'm certainty not against.

When I hear one of the trailer doors open behind me, I turn around. Lloyd is walking out of the makeup trailer, ready to shoot. He is wearing a green gi identical to his little brother's, just bigger. The resemblance between the two is uncanny and absolutely perfect for what we're going to do. He's going to be the new Lloyd Garmadon.

I met Lloyd at the premier of the pilots. Garmadon brought his entire family to the small premier. We immediately clicked, so we started hanging out, and now I consider the guy to be one of, if not my, best friend(s).

"Damn, you're looking like a ninja already," I give him a smile as he walks over to us.

"I'm so sore. They've been training me so hard to catch up with you guys, even though it's only been like two seasons," he tells me, his nose scrunching up as he stretches out his arms.

"The beginning is the hardest by far. Once it becomes a routine, you'll be all set," Cole encourages him.

"Ooo, look at their cute little light swords. They look like lightsabers!" Jay shows out of nowhere, taking a sip of water as our attention shifts to the scene in front of us.

The little ninja battle the grundle, or should I say Green Screen Gary, who is on all fours growling at them. I have to give the guy credit; he sure is committed to his job.

Liam appears from behind a display on an office chair, rising. Then, he holds his hands apart and lets out an exasperated groan as if he's conjuring a ball of energy. He then gets "flung back" by the grundle, hitting the floor while little us get hit back too.

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