40. Graduation (unedited)

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Enjoy the last chapter sparkles. There's a leap of three years. And from here • to here • it indicates flashback.

"....I hope we all have our way to success we worked so hard for and contribute in every little way possible to make this planet a better place to live."

Soon enough the huge podium was filled with claps echoing the area, and also excited voice of two children who seemed too excited, more than the graduates.

As Siofra concluded her valedictorian speech, she searched for the people she loved the most, the people she called family. The search wasn't too difficult practically due to two overexcited kids and a beaming husband who seems to be too boastful telling everyone he meets on how proud husband he is.

"That's my mumma, always the bestest." She smiled as she heard the distal voice as she was collecting the degree. Aria seeing her brother copied him and ended up yelling in her baby language.

Aria Ava Knight, the princess of Knight family, with her big doe electrifying blue eyes, that she inherited from her father and joyous personality from mother she couldn't be more charming. Her brother or as she calls Beau is her idol, she follows her brother's every foot step. You could literally see hearts in her eyes when she looks up to her brother.

It's been almost three years after her birth, initially after her birth Arian did feel insecure again as his mum-mum Dada weren't able spend much time with him. But unlike earlier he spoke his problems to them instead of taking some drastic step.

After a long and deep conversation about them making him understand how much they still care about him he understood. However he seemed to be over the cloud that he and his sister have almost same name.

Arian is growing too fast for her liking he already is in school and behaves way more mature. He also had his first soccer match last week. She, Asvaldur, little Aria, Asvaldur's father, Cheryl and Alessandro cheered for him, and their team ended up winning.

However the end of the wonderful match wasn't really well. As her little warrior princess sneaked down the bleaches without getting noticed and ran in middle of the field shocking everyone.

Before anyone could get her back she ended up punching the boy who pushed her Beau with her tiny fist. She glared at him with all her power in her two year old body, yes the knight siblings were fiercely protective over each other.

However the boy didn't mind, rather much to Asvaldur's distress he seemed pretty mesmerized by her tiny self.

Finally when Arian stepped up and hugged her, her little brain calmed down. Siofra couldn't help but snap a few pictures.

 Siofra couldn't help but snap a few pictures

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