3.Thank the cuddle hormone(unedited)

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Happy reading!!
Watch our two cutie pies grow close to each other.

Siofra realised what she did.

She just invited a stranger into her cocoon for all she know is maybe he could turn out to be a thief or serial killer or the worst of all a rapist. But its not like she had much time to live anyways.

It was only then the newspaper fallen on the streets caught her eyes. With a bold writing 'Billionaire a undercover rapist?' And of course a big photo of gorgeous stranger with her.

"Who are you?" The words left her lips nothing more than a whisper but enough for the handsome young man near her to listen and sense her distress.

Asvaldur's eyes soften seeing the sweet beauty shaking. Who wouldn't? When you just come to know that the person you just invited to your home is a declared rapist not by the court though.

"Please let me explain. I am being defamed. The...they did this to me all because of money. If they would have asked I given ev..everything I..I h...aad. But t...theyy."

By the end he was sobbing.  Siofra was a small broken boy in him. So she did the first thing that came to his mind so calm him.

To give him her special magical hug. Her curiosity in psychology made her read that when a person hugs another person oxytocin is released that calms down a person and makes them happy.

Still in shock, Asvaldur loosely wrapped his arm around her as if she was a fragile China he was saving for Christmas and one touch she will break into pieces.

As she pulled away from the much needed hug and said something to him, which could not fall into his ears as he was busy admiring the beauty in front of him.
He let her pull him down the streets into the cosy part of town.

She stopped in front of a small cosy home and unlocked the door. He couldn't fail to notice that the place perfectly suited her. It looked like a piece of heaven in between the tainted world as she was a fairy in between vicious creatures.

Not long after, there they stood in middle of her living room. He could clearly tell her love for nature by seeing her living room. It was skillfully decorated with various plants.

He saw her gracefully taking out her phone, which was of much older version than his. She dialed a number , he could hear her talking to someone saying that she won't come back to work due to some emergency. His heart swelled listening to it. It made him feel important , something he never felt.

As she came back from her phone call there stood an awkward silence between them. To shoo it off he said the first thing that came into his mind.

"Nice home you got here. All warm, cosy and all.... greeny" He said thinking about the right word that could describe the plants surrounding them.

"Thanks. Max always told me plants realise stress and I tried it sure does." Curiosity sneaked in him.

"Who is Max? Your brother?" He didn't want to think of anything else like her boyfriend.

"Uhh no he was a guy from my orphanage. Wouldn't say friend we just spoke few times." His heart ached at the thought of his little girl growing without love and care. But who is he to say, he too was deprived from it.

A clearing of throat broke him off his thoughts.
"Enough of me. Tell me about you, how did you end up becoming a rapist from a Billionaire?"

He wasn't ready to speak of it yet. But he knew he had to. If someone could save him was the angel in front of him.

𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔Where stories live. Discover now