16. To mend her broken wings (unedited)

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The news of Asvaldur being innocent jabbered the social media. But what set the articles on fire was the young man gone missing. He was not spotted anywhere. But what caught everyone's attention is ,he had gone missing soon after he was seen carrying a young unconscious beauty in his arms from the court room , screaming like a mad man. No one had ever seen this Asvaldur before  he was always known for being calm and composed.

There were tattle that the young lady was someone really special to Asvaldur, perhaps the one who helped him in his toughest times. Some also said that it was Edwardo who killed the young lady as a revenge.  But none knew the truth.

Then there was Asvaldur sitting next to Siofra like a lifeless body,  unbothered with anything around him staring at his beautiful angel who laid on the hospital bed looking serene as ever without any sign of pain. If it wasn't her unhealthily pale skin anyone would have thought that she is fine.

But the question surfaced Asvaldur was why? Why would she hide such a big thing from him? Does she not trust him?


He vaguely remembered the panic that surfaced his erratically beating heart as he was Siofra falling. He didn't waste a second to carry her out of the court room with a worried Cheryl and Alessandro behind them.

As they reached the hospital he remembered forgetting about everything as the doctors wheeled his love into emergency ward. He remembered putting his head on Cheryl's shoulder for motherly comfort, who was constantly telling him that Siofra is fine and maybe it's just an panic attack. That brought him back to reality as he recalled her going pale seeing some text in her phone.

He immediately pulled out her phone and saw the message that made him see red. He decided to talk to Siofra about this later.

As he diverted his attention to his love's room he saw various nurses and doctors running here and there the site in front of him broke his heart. All he wanted to hear was she is fine or her to wake up and laugh saying it was a prank or a dream. But it was too cruel to be a dream he wouldn't ever want to feel what he is feeling now.

If he would be ever asked to choose between him living in defame and him seeing his angel so fragile without any doubt he did chose the former one. He could go through anything just to make sure she is safe and healthy.

His array of thoughts were broken as he saw a doctor getting out of her room. The grief expression on his face was enough to tell that something was definitely wrong.

"Mr. Knight can I speak to you in private about your fiance." Just hearing her being addressed as his fiance made his heart flutter and cheeks red.

Since the paramedical staffs were insisting that only family members could be there he didn't even think before he said that he is her fiance.

He shook his head coming back to reality and gave a slight nod before falling the doctor to his cabin.

"Mr. Knight I won't beat the bush I will tell you as frank as possible. It seems Miss Shannon is suffering from cardiomyopathy. In layman's term she has a weak heart. And I feel Miss Shannon knows about it, since the symptoms were clearly prominent."

All Asvaldur could do was stare at the doctor blankly and processing all the information he just got.

"W--what n---needss to be done?" He asked like a broken child his brain was not able to comprehend things there were so many questions but he was not able to voice them, he was able to form a proper sentence.

"Mr. Knight I do understand that this is quite difficult for you. But you should be calm and composed atleast for your fiance. And its not like it's incurable we could always go for pharmacological treatment or best heart transplant. She could have a better life after the surgery."

"W--we will. S--she will, she will undergo the operation and live." He said with utmost determination.

"Mr. Knight I understand your concern but there are certain laws we need patients concern about operation at least when we know that she will gain her consciousness after few days. We also need to find a suitable donor for heart then there are various tests. It's quite elaborated procedure."

"Dont worry Doc. as soon as she wakes up we will ask her concern. You start finding a suitable heart. Yes that's a great plan and my Siofra will be back."

"Mr. Knight there is something I intend to tell you. Remember I told you that Miss Shannon already knows about her condition. I feel if she wanted, she could've done it earlier but she didn't so I think probably she didn't want to." The doctor said with the softest tone.

"Th--that me---means my Siofra doesn't want t--to l---live?"

He felt numb all he could think about was the girl, his angel who taught him to live freely and happily who caught him when his wings were broken and taught him to fly, doesn't want to live.

"Mr. Knight it's probably not that there might be many reasons. A heart transplant costs a lot probably she couldn't afford one? Or something like that. I suggest you to have a word with her after she wakes up and please be soft and sweet with her. Sometimes extreme emotional outbreak may act as a stimuli, I believe that's what happened earlier." The doctor said dismissing Asvaldur.

Asvaldur remembered her words when they first met.
"-there are many people who actually want to live their life but can't and here you are getting a chance to live but are taking it away -" 

If money was the reason why Siofra was lying there then would make sure that she undergoes the surgery without any problem. And even if it's not he did make sure that he pestered around her as she did to him and make her love her life.

Now it was his time to mend her broken wings, just like she mended his.



e looked at her pale body slightly stroking her pale cheeks which were once rosy. All he could think about was how to make her undergo the surgery.

He didn't even knew when he felt asleep until a soft small hand squeezed his large ones, that brought life in him. He was soon welcomed by his favorite pair of hazel staring at him with love?

A/N-Your promised update😉Oh and Asvaldur and we all finally know what's wrong with Siofra

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Your promised update😉
Oh and Asvaldur and we all finally know what's wrong with Siofra.

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