The Opening

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'Okay, I got your parasite here.' Parker placed it down on the desk, 'I mean there's a lot of warnings on here'


'Uh maybe we- shouldn't be touching this?' A feeling of fear washed over Parker as he moved his hands from the box.

'Nah, they just put these on here for liability.' The adrenaline was still going strong for Chester, 'Some kid probably choked on the tape, and his parents sued, or something.'

Chester's reasoning was always bad, but Parker never disagreed, 'Okay yeah, I don't think that's how it works, but do you have anything we can cut this open with?'

Chester bent over and picked up some nail clippers he has left on the floor.

'Nail clippers?' Parker was shocked. Why did Chester have nail clippers on the floor? And why not scissors?

'See you got the toe file out..' Parker held the nail clippers up and looked at them, intrigued on why Chester had them out, 'Okay let's cut this thing.'

The nail clippers cut the tape with ease. Better than scissors. Maybe Chester was smart after all..

'You ready?' Parker began to lift the lid to the foam box. Slowly peeling it back for Chester to see.

Chester was looking intensely at the box, ready to see the beauty that was ordered, 'Yeah.'

When Parker lifted the lid, a jar of yellow snotty looking water was in a jar, surrounded by cotton fluff. The jar just looked like your average jar. A little clip to keep it shut and transparent. 

'Look at this stuff!' Chester could barely wait to take his Parasite to its new home.

'Okay so there's like a jar and some stuffing in here.' Parker was confused on why the stickers had so many warnings but it was just in a small glass jar that could be opened by a toddler.

'What are these gloves here? Should I uh-?' Parker pulled a pair of black gloves (that were embedded into the cotton) out of the box, 'Should we put these on?'

'Well what's in the jar?' Chester interrupted, 'Hold on.'

Chester began to put his fingers closer and closer to the jar.

'Should we put these gloves on?' The expression Parker made was like a mother trying to avoid allergic reactions in their kids, 'Before we touch anything?'

Too late.

Chester had already began to flick the latch.

'Let's see what's in the jar first!' Parker moved his hands back like a t-rex.

Chester stopped just before he flicked the latch and picked up the jar out of the box. He struggled to pick it up. It was heavy and larger than the picture showed.

'Oh god dude. Is that it?' All Parker could see in the misty water at the bottom a long ropey snake sat.

'I think this is it!' Chester smiled as he placed it down infront of him.

'What the hell is that?' After Chester turned the jar around Parker could see the rest of the parasite leaning up against the side of the jar.

'It looks dead!' Chester didn't want to believe it was dead but the way it was just lying in the jar made it look limp, 'I think we got ripped off!'

Those 2,600 dollars were just gone. Or were they...

'Put it back in the box.' Parker really did sound like a mother now.

'It looks-' Chester began to shake it. The yellow water was splashing all in the jar and the parasite still wasn't moving.

'Stop!' Parker had enough, 'Stop shaking it, put it back in the box.'

The look of disappointment in Chester's face said it all.

'It looks dead, I think we got ripped off.' Chester began to place it back into the cotton.

'What are you talking about?' Parker whispered to Chester.

He didn't respond. But instead, he began to open the latch once more. This time he actually opened it.

'Be careful with that-' Parker could still remember the website, ''PARASITE GETS EXCITED BY THE SIGHT OF HUMAN SKIN''

He knew Chester wouldn't be a dumbass and stick his hand in bare, 'Maybe put the gloves on!'

'Hold on' It looked as if Chester was about to reach for the gloves.

'Dude, it looks dead.' Chester began to move his finger around in the liquid, 'See?'

He began to put the rest of his fingers in the jar.

'Is it?' Parker didn't try to stop Chester and would soon regret it.

'We got ripped off' You could hear the disappointment in Chester's voice.

The water began to start moving and the parasite came to life.

It sounded like a toy boat kids have in bathtubs. 


Chester uttered a scream you could hear miles away.

He was bitten.

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