The Purchase

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Parker clicked onto the parasites section and Chester smiled, he knew Parker would struggle to say no now they had gotten so far.

'Okay, so looking through these parasites..  these just appear to be different kinds of worms, bro.'

Worms was the thing Chester wanted all along.

'Yeah that's good!' Chester's favourite animal since elementary was worms.

'Okay so we have: The skin peeler,'

The thing had legs like a spider and looked like a tan worm. It looked as if it was floating in the water in the jar.

'Spinal column worm,'

It looked like a white scorpion it had a spike at the end of it and has a body a bit like a caterpillars.

'The Swedish horse worm'

It was in a tube container and looked like a piece of rope.

'Dermatophyte vermis?'

It looked like it had the head of a piranha plant from mario and was out of a container...

'The bed worm.'

It had a smiley face drawn on to the yellow musty jar and looked like a mouldy pool noodle...

'and the hog worm.'

A thick sausage looking worm with googly eyes and a big mouth which looked as if lipstick has been applied for the picture.

Its almost impossible to describe how ugly and dangerous they looked but Parker and Chester carried on looking to buy a parasite..

'Dude, lets check out the bed worm!' Chester pointed at the second to end worm. The smiley face made it look the nicest and most welcoming of them all...

'ok...' Parker's voice deepened, concerned about Chester's interest in the bed worm.

'Okay so looking at the picture of this thing,' Parker couldn't help but look in disgust at the worm he placed his eyes on, 'It's pretty disgusting, dude. This is not something that you would keep as a pet.'

Chester thought the bed worm was a beauty. He was in love with this worm.

'Bro, it's a bed worm, it probably sleeps in your bed.' Chester was imagining a cute long worm sleeping in his bed like a dog cuddled up to your covers.

'It's not gonna bug you!' Chester knew it would end up involving Parker and he would love it like a child.

'Okay well-' Trying to see reason, Parker couldn't help but wonder if it truly wouldn't bother him, 'Let's read the description here it says-'

Parker read the description out, 'This parasite enters the human through the nose, it will wrap around the brain and spinal column. The human can function normally with this parasite in place.'

'Bro, this is not a pet!' The red flags were waving in Parker's eyes. But Chester was oblivious.

'Dude, it says right there, you could function normally.' At this point Chester was wearing Parker down.

'What do you mean function- this thing is gonna enter your body!' Parker was trying to stop this event from occurring but was failing. 

'Dude, it's like a snake- it's a dangerous pet, but it's cool to have and like, cool to look at.' Chester didn't see a single reason to not get it.

'So, what are you gonna do if it get's out, or something?' Parker looked a Chester waiting for his answer.

'I'll just keep it in the tank.' At this point Chester sounded like a toddler wanting to get a pufferfish, unaware and naive to the dangers.

They had almost been on the website for an hour at this point fighting whether to get it or not.

'Dude, I don't think you know how to care for something like this.' 

Chester knew he didn't but continued to fight Parker for it.

'If we don't let it out of the tank, we'll be fine.'

It couldn't hurt them in a tank...Right

'Okay we also have something here that says- WARNING: do not handle directly, Parasite will get excited by the sight of human skin' Parker knew something was off but Chester wouldn't budge.

'Bro this is not something that we can keep as a pet!' Parker said, even more alarmed from the description.

'How are you afraid of this thing?' Chester almost laughed, it began to make Parker look like a coward, 'Its a worm! You don't even have to touch it, or see it- I'll keep it in my room.'

'It's not- I'm not afraid of it,' Deep down Parker knew even the sight of this thing would send a shiver down his spine, 'I just don't trust where we're getting it from. We don't know what this is.'

They were on the dark web after all, you cant trust much on there.

'I promise I'll deal with it.' All Chester wanted to do was click the button. BUY.

The button was calling his name.

'Let's just get it!' 

BUY. BUY. BUY. the button was out of the screen at this point jumping in front of Chester's eyes.

'Okay fine,' Parker had given up,' This is your pet.' He clicked the BUY button and Chester had one of the most manipulative smiles ever seen.

2,600 dollars for a parasite. Worth it... Right?


We Bought a Parasite off of The Dark Web..Where stories live. Discover now