Chapter 4

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The next day me, Ashlee and the boys head to the drive-in.
We quickly snuck under the gate of the drive-in and ran around the screen to the empty chairs that was near the concession stand. I made my spot between Dally and Pony. "jeez it cold" pony shivers as he sat down.
"why didn't you bring a coat stupid?" Dally spat as he lit his cigarette.

"you want my Jacket Ponyboy?" I asked shrugging off my red hooded jacket. Before he could protest I covered his shoulders with it. "thanks shel"

About ten minutes into the movie two soc girls came and sat in the row of chairs in front of us. The red head complaining about her boyfriend as she made herself comfortable. I had enough socs for one week so I stood up. "I'm getting some popcorn, you guys want anything?"

"I'll take a coke" Jonny said sweetly.
"get me one too will ya" Dally said. I turned to pony next. "just some popcorn please"

"I'll help" Ashlee said, I nodded and we left our group. As I walked the noises from cars and the movie filled my ears. I looked around as I walked being aware of my surroundings. I didn't see any danger (thank God) all I saw was people sneaking in by the trunk of their friends car or gate. I also friends chasing each other around or making out on the hood of their car. That kinda pda made me slightly sick but at the same time jealous.

We finally made to the concession stand the lights finally making it easier to see were I was going. I shoved my hand in my Jean pocket digging out some money when I heard whisperers.

"did ya hear that?" Ashlee asked, I nodded.

"no one will see us here" an all too familiar voice said. "don't know Sandy, I don't want to get in rumble with your boyfriend" an other voice said and this time it was male. My eyebrows knitted together as I pressed my back to the conner trying to listen without being spotted.

Sandy scoffed at the guys comment. "Soda doesn't care about me. " the guys voice was now muffled and we looked over and saw her practically eating his face as he was pressed to the brick wall of the concession stand. My heart broke for Soda. I wanted to pound her in the face for not being faithful to him. Soda gave everything to her and worked hard to make her happy and she treats him like trash.

"holy shit" Ashlee whispered.

"HOLY SHIT" Nat said even louder then flinched. I looked behind us and it was Nat with a cup of popcorn. They told us too shush as she saw the bitch too.

"bitch" Nat said shaking there head. I nudged the both off them telling them to follow me back to the group.

We tried to walk away without being seen but I failed. I took a wrong step and snapped a stick making Sandy and her boy toy break apart and stair in my direction. "who's there" she said almost trying to acted tough.

"your mom" nat said, Ashlee clamped her hand over Nat's mouth to muffle the laughs.

"I knew you were a bitch but I didn't think you'd soop this low" I said when she realized who I was. "who the hell are you?" the guy asked.

"hmh... Your mom" Nat said behind Ashlee's hand, Nat licked it making Ashlee draw back her hand in disgust.

"either one of you tell soda your dead... All of you" Sandy snapped.

"I'm dead inside regardless to who Your sluting around with" Nat said.

"yeah!" Ashlee said.

I rolled my eyes then turned back to Sandy  "you and what army?" before she could throw one of her hissy fits, we walked in to the concession stand to get the drinks and popcorn. Thank god we didn't take long and was able to grab the stuff and head back to my spot. When I got there Dally was leaning over the red heads shoulder messing with her. I rolled my eyes not really caring what happens to her but I spoke anyway before it got ugly. "be nice Dally" Ashlee said handing him his coke and a candy bar.

"I'm never nice Ash" he smirked and sat back in his chair, Ashlee took her spot next to him and he put his arm around her. I sighed hating what I just saw. What would I tell Soda? And would he even believe me?

"what's wrong shel?" pony asked nibbling on his popcorn. "I just saw something I wish I didn't"

"what was it?" Johnny asked. "we saw Sandy swapping cootie with Billy... " Nat said.

pony looked sad, but he didn't look surprised. We all knew what kinda bitch Sandy was.

Anyway that didn't matter because we had a different situation. Dally wouldn't stop bugging the Soc in front of us, he even got nay to join in. Nat was throwing orange M&Ms while Dally threw odd commits.

The red had had told them to stop a couple of time but Dally didn't care. One thing led  to another and Dally got coke through in his face.

"haha, loser" Nat cackled and almost fell backwards in the chair.

"Dally leave her alone" Johnny said after Dally started to lung for Nat, Ashlee pushed him back in his chair before he could get near Nat. It cought Dally off guard and Johnny quietly backed up almost falling into my lab. I cought him keeping him steady.

"wise ass... Both ya" is all Dally said before walking off. The red had sighed in relief. We had maybe five minutes of peace. Before she looked over her shoulder at us. "you guys gonna start in on us too?"

I raised my eyebrow at her giving her a questioning look. "that all depends" Ashlee replied.

"ya want some more M&Ms?" nat asked sarcastically

Pony shook his head. "no no we won't"

"well none of you guys look the type" she said softly.

"eh, I have some M&Ms and I'm ready to party, who know what I'll do" Nat said.

"we won't cause any problems" Ashlee said.

"what are your names?" the red head asked.

"I'm Shelby and this is Ponyboy and Johnny" I said. "you guys have some original names" she said kindly to Pony.

"I'm Cornelius ginger the IV" Nat said, Ashlee shook her head. "no, it's Nat, and I'm ashlee"

"I'm Cherry, people call me that because of my red hair" she smiled.

"don't we have a science class together...
Or use to?" Her friend asked and Ashlee nodded. She turned to me "we had Spanish class, you used to fight the Spanish teacher and argue with her about Elvis" I nodded with a small smile.

"wait don't you all and soda work at the DX station?" cherry asked and the three of us nodded. "have you guys been working there full time? I don't think I've seen you guys around the school lately."

"we're drop outs" I said kinda ashamed. I only felt bad for myself I neve once tried to make soda feel dumb or bad for dropping out. And really the three of us just got tired of the people in school.

"I had to make some extra money" I said kinda harsh without meaning too.

Pony and Johnny continued to talk to the girls and I started to zone them out

"BOO!" Two-bit shouted and Grabbed Ashlee from from behind shaking me from my thoughts. I jumped and clung to Nat's arm. Two-bit knew better than that to sneak up on me. He's probably drunk.

"your pretty jumpy" Charry said.

"sorry sorry kid" he said with remorse but with also a giggle. I pushed him away and he moved over to the two Soc girls. "well who's this?"

I rolled my eyes at Two-bit flirting with the Ashlee, ignoring how Charry's friend looked at him. My thoughts were cut off when Tim Sheppard came up behind us. "where's Dallas?"

"he left Tim" Ashlee said.

"hey I know he slashed my tiers" Tim snapped. Tim wasn't part of our gang so him a Dally always had this riverly for some reason. "we haven't seen him" I said then I looked at Ponyboy for back up.

"she's right" she then leaned over and looked at the others. "you guys seen Dally?" everyone was quick to stay no including the girls which surprised me. Tim walked away in a huff.

"ashy, does Dally have a blade?" Two-bit asked. She shook her head. "I'm not sure... I think he lost it the last time he got thrown in the slammer"

"that's good, it'll give him an alibi" Two-bit said shaking his head.

"let's get out of here" Nat said standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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