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Insanity is akin to that of a terminal illness. Once it takes a hold of its afflicted there is no cure, nothing to alleviate it. It sneaks up on individuals as it sinks its dangerously sharp claws into its clueless prey. When it first begins, what remaining logical thought we have retained is cajoled by the worm that is insanity to make excuses supporting our insane thoughts and desires, our delusions and hallucinations. Farragoes of thoughts often run rampant as there are two realities that our brain is trying to comprehend. But once insanity has reached its full strength, there is nothing that can sway the victim's new reality. The insanity is so concrete it appears that it was always so.

No one, no matter how intelligent or sagacious and sound minded, is immune to the tendrils of insanity. In fact, those of greater intellect are often more susceptible to the affliction because of their propensity towards intransigence, stubbornness and egotistical behavior. When your intellect leads you to believe you are always correct, whether this may be the case or not, it welcomes insanity to its new But now that insanity has found its new home in you breeding chaos; with so much mayhem and lunacy already in the world that begs the notion, maybe everyone is insane.

The Arcane: Alistair MannWhere stories live. Discover now