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It is a cool day for September and the clouds blot out the warming sun. There is a strange mist as well when Agents Young and Prince pull up to Alistair Mann's rural home after driving down an eerie and misty countryside road with trees that hang over the road with sinister intent. Several deer run out into the road, causing Agent Young to slam on the brakes. They continue in trepidation now making sure to keep their eyes peeled. Soon, they round a bend in the road and sprawled out before them is a large mansion. Agents Young and Prince drive through the open gates and passed overgrown gardens that emanated hints of past beauty. They marvel at the magnificence and grandness of the manor lying before them. Various sections are themed differently; one part resembles that of a medieval castle and another more of a modern mansion, yet another section resembles a quiet log cabin though dialed to a scale much bigger. Another section makes one reminisce about the architecture of the Victorian era and yet another seems to model England in its industrial revolution.

The two agents step out of their vehicle and walk to the great marbled staircase. On either side of the staircase are great quartz pillars that rise a couple stories before connecting to the porch ceiling. This area of the mansion seems to be the most modern with beautiful white concrete walls and many glass windows that span entire floors. The design is random, some glass walls extend even around corners before polished white concrete continues again. Agent Prince rings the doorbell and the two wait for an answer. A woman answers the door. She has a small smile on her face and looks utterly exhausted. Her long yellow hair cascades down with grace and her jet-black eyes are absolutely riveting.

"How may I help you two?" she asks kindly.

Agent Young returns a warm smile and says politely but with authority, "My name is Agent Charli Young, and this is..." Agent Young hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Agent Magnus Prince, we are with the FBI, and we have some questions for an Alistair Mann."

Agent Prince looks to his stubborn partner with total surprise. He has never seen the woman smile before and didn't think she was capable of speaking with such calm politeness. He desperately wants to make a comment and is sad that now is most assuredly not the place.

"Oh, um. Sure, come in."

The woman leads them into a grand entryway with a vaulted ceiling several stories high. There are three magnificent glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling in a staggered pattern. Sunlight shines through high-set glass windows and glint beautifully through the chandeliers and onto the mahogany floor. As they walk through the great room Agent Prince gawks at the many paintings hung up on the walls. Other pieces of art and statues are placed elegantly on stands. Some of them worth hundreds of thousands, maybe millions.

"Is that a Van Gough?" Queries Agent Young.

Alistair Mann's daughter smiles modestly and replies, "Yes, it is. My father has a slight obsession with art, as I am sure you can see."

"Your father?" Agent Young asks.

"Yes," Rachel blushes and smiles smally.

The three continue walking, Rachel leading them into a smaller room decorated with a couple scarlet couches and black oak coffee tables on their ends. The walls are also sided with black oak and on them more paintings. Impressionism, abstract, expressionism, surrealism, and other pieces hang proudly beckoning someone's gaze. Rachel motions for the two federal agents to sit. Agent Prince sits on one of the luxurious scarlet couches while Agent Young sits on a simpler oak chair.

"If you agents would wait right here, I will go fetch Alistair Mann," Rachel says.

"I'm sorry, but we didn't get your name," Agent Prince says as she is leaving.

The Arcane: Alistair MannWhere stories live. Discover now