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Day 140

Third Pov

"This dorm room looks so plain." Jimin commented this, entering with boxes, helping Yoongi out. "It's a dorm room, not a personalized bedroom just for you. Didn't you go to college anyway?" Jimin dusted his hands, eyes rolled back.

"I hated my room then too." Yoongi entered with the last of the boxes, setting them down next to bed that he chose to sleep on for the rest of the semester. Yoongi smiled, looking around the simple space.

"I know I'm 25 already but I'm still excited like a fresh out of high school student. It's dumb really." Jimin shook his head, a smile on his face.

"No it's not dumb. It's alright to feel like that as you've never had the chance to experience college yet. Now you are, and anybody feeling new experiences would be nervous and excited like you are."

Yoongi leaned over and kissed Jimin, a smile on his lips. "I'm really glad you're here, baby." The pet name made Jimin's cheeks red, and he tried to pull away before Yoongi could catch it. "Oh no you don't!"

Yoongi pulled Jimin's face closer, squishing his cheeks like a baby, a shit eating grin on his face as Jimin's cheeks grow even more red. "I should call you baby more often, to get a reaction out of you."

Jimins eyebrows pushed together.
"If you call me baby and shit more often I won't blush like this you know?" Yoongi paused, and Jimin regretted butting in.
"Maybe I'll do it every once in a while. Thanks, Jimin."

Said male rolled his eyes, and they both pulled away to stand next to each other when the lock clicked, the door opening slowly. In came a new face, presumably Yoongi's roommate. The male was obviously younger, early 20's. He had long black hair that was in a loose bun, stands falling over this face.

There were streaks of white throughout his hair from root to tip. It was vitiligo, a disease where pigment cells die or stop functioning. Along with the white streaks in his hair, the male had blotches of white around his arms, neck, face, and probably more if it were exposed.

He was honestly an odd looking man to both Jimin and Yoongi. While Yoongi's seen it before on the internet, Jimin had no idea what was going on with the male.

The male stuck a hand out, a friendly smile on his face. Jimin didn't take it, not really telling what could happen if he did.
Yoongi accepted it though, nodding his head in acknowledgement with a gentle smile.

"I'm Min Yoongi. You are?" Yoongi spoke this in Korean, assumed that the male knew how to speak it if he was going to college here. "I'm Kim Changmin. For any questions I'm mixed. My father is black and my mother Korean. We moved to Korea after I was born because she got deported."

Yoongi held a sad look.
"Well I'm assuming you're well now?"
Changmin nodded, turning to Jimin who had an unreadable face. "I'd say this is your friend?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Boyfriend." The male awed, looking between the two before showing a positive thumbs up. A small smile broke out onto Jimin's face, yet it disappeared just as quickly.

"I really don't want to be rude, but what happened to your skin? Is your hair also dyed?" Changmin didn't look offended, explaining right away. He turned to Yoongi, who had pursed lips towards his boyfriends questions. "It's fine. It's normal as I'm black with vitiligo. It's not contagious. I was born like this. My skin is blotchy as the pigment cells in my body stopped working, so I didn't fully colorize in the womb. The pigmentation is also on the top of my head, causing the sprouts of white hair. So no, it's not dyed."

Jimin nodded in understanding.
"I've never seen someone like you before. I mean the vitiligo. It looks cool and unique at the same time." You could see splotches of a blush on the man's face, obviously liking Jimin's flattery.

"It's more common than you think in America, but thank you for the compliment. I'm 21, and you are?" Yoongi registered that he was being talked to, answering quickly.

"I'm 25, he's 26. Park Jimin by the way, his name. Your bed's also over here too." Changmin smiled again.

"I'll start to unload my stuff. I have a call with my mom so I'll talk to you later alright? Maybe even you Jimin, to talk more about how 'unique' I am!" Jimin grunted, yet no malice was heard in his tone.

After Changmin set his bags down he left with his phone, presumably to make a call to his mother. "Well that was new." Jimin said with slight nod of his head, eyes still on the front door. Yoongi smacked Jimin's shoulder, causing a whine to rise from the oldest mouth.

"Don't ever be rude like that again! I know you were asking questions, but it was still invasive." Jimin pouted, rubbing his left shoulder. "Sorry." With a deep breath Yoongi nodded.

"We're a little ignorant to the outside world Jimin, but next time just look it up or ask me. Also, do not stare! That would be highly uncomfortable for him!" Jimin sighed.

"I know, I won't do it again." Yoongi stared for a few seconds before nodding, planning to correct Jimin even more when they leave.
"Let's go check out the rest of the college yeah? It's too stuffy in this damn college room."

Jimin then grinned, patting Yoongi on the back as they walked to the door.
"See? I told you."


"It was ok? Really! After all of your college experience talk, it was only ok?" Jungkook grumbled this with Sooyeon on her hip, pacifier in the baby's mouth.

"You know that I'm not going to overreact about that kind of shit. Don't be surprised if you throw me a birthday party and all I say is 'yay' Jungkook." The women rolled her eyes.


Silence filled the spacious room, with Jungkook still rocking Sooyeon and Yoongi tapping his foot on the carpet to pass the time. I heard about you visiting your father in prison." Yoongi nodded, not surprised in the slightest that she found out. Either by Jackson or the other six. Information being shared behind his back was rather common.

"Yeah. I'll be doing it in a few days with Jimin. But before that, isn't that stupid reunion like in two days?" Jungkook nodded.
"You coming?" Yoongi stopped his tapping, soon going to play with his lanky fingers.

"Yeah. I feel as if I'm ready now. It's been seven years since I've been to Daegu, seen my old highschool. I want peace."
Sooyeon let out an unexpected burp, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook to laugh at her impoliteness. "She's something." Jungkook nodded. "I'm glad you're going Yoongi. I'm really sad that I couldn't do anything to help you really back then, but I'm more than happy that you're at your best now."

Walking over, she sat down next to Yoongi.
"You were by my side Jungkook. That was what you did to keep me sane. Thank you, for never even doubting me, for bever thinking of leaving." Jungkook nodded hurriedly, tears brimming her eyelids. She sat Sooyeon down and hugged Yoongi tight, tears escaping her long lashed eyelids.

"I'm so glad you're not gone. I don't express this much, but sometimes I have nightmares about what if's. What if you left? What if you really did finish through? What if I got tired of you and left? What if your mother came sooner!" Yoongi pulled away to look at Jungkook's blotchy face, wiping the tears off.

"I know they aren't true, but you don't know how fucking glad I was when we found out you were still out there two years ago. The first piece of information we found, I cried my eyes out. I just- you're in my life now, I could never wish for it different."

Footsteps were heard, and they turned to see Taehyung walking over with a baby pouch strapped to his front side, a playful frown on his face. "Hey, don't get all touchy feeling with my wife now. She's all mine." Kissing her cheek, Jungkook giggled at the gesture.

Yoongi's eyes turned to Sooyeon, her big doe eyes and dopey smile pulling him in, forcing his face to form an awed expression, finding her absolutely adorable.

He really wanted kids.

Two more chapters left


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