Chapter 8

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“No your not hurting any of my family, You are going to leave me alone and everybody in this town, I can apologize more for breaking up your family, and i really am sorry for everything i did, but killing me won’t bring them back, I can promise you that” He says and a flicker of thought crosses her face.

“You know I’m right” he whispers. 

“No, you’re not” She says.

“Listen to me, hurting others won’t help you feel better” He says and takes a step closer to her.

“Come any closer I’ll take somebody right now” She says and lifts her hand. Killian stops moving and lifts his arms upin surrender.

“See you soon Emma” She says and disappears yet again. Killian slams his arms onto the counter and then forcefully rips them through his hair.

“Killian calm down” I say  tentatively step closer to him. he lifts his head up and looks at me with tears.

“I ruined that girls life, She’s maybe 16? I took away her mother and her grandparents just because I was mad at the world because I was alone”  He says and he hugs me. “And because of that you’re family is in danger.”

“My families in danger all the time, It’s not your fault, I do want to have them all in one place just make sure they are  okay, ill put up a protection spell around the loft and here, I promise nothing will happen.” I say and pull out from his arms. 

“I love you so much” He says.

“I love you too”

“Come on lets go to your parents house and tell them, Henry and Regina can meet us there” 

“Okay, Emma I’m so sorry”

“Hey, its not your fault” I say. “Come on I’ll drive” 


"I just wanted to make sure you guys stay alert and stuff, and I wanted to put up a protection spell so she can't get inside." 

"Okay" my dad says. 

I turn to Regina. 

"I don't want Henry taking the bus so one of us should pick him up at school" I say and Regina nods. 

"I can take the bus and be fine" he says. 

"No" Regina and I both say. He closes his mouth and flops down on the couch. 

"We are going to go find her" Killian says "tomorrow and try and get the cuff on her" he says and pulls the cuff we tried to put on Pan from his pocket. 

"And your going alone?" Regina asks. 

"We don't want to bring a big crowd, hopefully have a surprise element on our side." I say.

"But she has magic, and yours can't hurt her" David says.

"But we have swords and I can still move fine" I put my hand on my stomach. 

"Emma are you sure?" My mom asks.

"We can do it" I say. 

"One try then we come with you" Regina says. 

"Deal" I say. 

"What's for lunch?" Henry asks. 

"Ill make a sandwiches" I say and my mom and I walk into the kitchen and pull out bread ham turkey cheese and start layering the food onto the bread. 

"How's the baby?" My mom asks. 

"Amazing, I'm starting to show, which is a blessing and a curse but I'm so hungry all the time" I say. 

"That's the best part, eating everything and blaming it on the baby, soon you won't have to do anything" she says. 

"Killian's been great, he's so supportive and so helpful, it's really cute how into this he is" I say. 

"He's changed so much" 

"I know it's crazy" I say. 

"What are you guys thinking about for the wedding?" 

"I don't know, probably after"

"Good luck planning a wedding with a new born" she says.

"Maybe we can just go to town hall, not do a huge ceremony"

"No way, your doing something huge, a princess would have a royal wedding" 

"I don't know a huge wedding doesn't really seem like my thing, Maybe" I say and my moms face lights up. 

"I don't wanna do it when I'm really big, so I'd have to it in the next month or after the baby"

"Talk to Killian about it, I could plan you a kick ass wedding in 3 weeks" 

"3 weeks?" I say.

"Try me" 

"I'll talk to him I guess" I say.

"Oh I can't wait!" She says and we carry the food into the living room and I sit on Killians lap but with a glare from my father I slide off. 

"Thanks love" he says. 

“Where’s Regina?" I ask.

“She got a call for Robin, and left” David says.

“Oh, we made her a sandwich” My mom says.

“I’ll eat it” Me and Henry say at the same time.

“Great now I’ve got the appetite of a teenage boy” I mumble under my breath and Killian laughs being the only one who hears me. 

“You can have it” I say and pass it to him. 

“Thanks” He says and its eaten in a second.


 “Guys we really need to get going” I say after we have all eaten the sandwiches. 

“You are working tomorrow right?” David asks.

“Yeah, I will call you if anything goes wrong”

“Alright see you guys tomorrow” Henry says and walks out the door behind Killian. My mom sends me a ‘Remember to ask him about getting married’ look. I roll my eyes and leave.


I feel like you guys should kill me i update so inoften.... please dont bthen you will never know what happens with this horrible plot line, this story isnt not as good as saving killian and im extreamly sorry about that.... <3 love you guys smmmm


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